The Twice-Martyred

Started by Random_White_Guy, May 20, 2023, 05:47:44 AM

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Overnight comes winding and twisting tale.  One of murderous intent, One of surrender for justice, One of betrayal, One of trial, and One of what is said a feat of sheer impossibility.

That Shahlil the Twice-Martyred
Escaping from crucifixion in the middle of an ash storm.
To emerge unscathed and declaring clear intention

QuoteShahlil Shadowbrook
The final slurp of a lollipop, a pause, and it shatters on some stones
Sol Auk....liar, heretic. I am coming.

While even enacting such an outdated Ephian punishment may give pause the tales surrounding her escape richochet between implausible and outright fantastic.

That when she was hanging upon the stake did she call to the Twins, who in no grand feat, merely refused to accept her unjust death - and returned to the living.

That when she was burning and scoured by the Ash Storm, did she thatch together a lasso of Halfling Foot-Hair and cajole two nearby Camelback Turtles to pull her to freedom.

That when she was sundered and suffering did she broker a deal with Agaslakku himself to wage war upon those who wronged her in exchange for freedom.

Regardless of what lay of truth or folktale comes a frenzy of energy within Ephia's Well. She was left for dead, and with few or little witness - emerges with avengeance.

Janissary are seen coming and going - Sergeant Rennik Colmes not seen for days believed embroiled in the hunt.

Cinquefoil Rose are seen meeting in increasing fashion - Balladeer Lynneth calling for many meeting.

Scribes, Astronomers, Sellswords, talk of Bounty Hunter, talk of Justice, talk of Vigilantism, and more.

Some recounting her past murderous attempts upon Nadiri Bestworth, and successful butchering of Apothar Vergal, a Voiced Citizen and Accord Officer.

Some recounting her rousing speech at her trial about the Astronomer's threat upon the City and the Government's capitulation to such.

Some recounting her impassioned calls for others in the crowd of the trial, to act, to do more, to be more.

Yet it cannot be denied that roams free a woman of no small repute, despite her stature.

To some a villainous murderer, to others perhaps an outlet against the suffering and frustration of the Refugee beneath the Yoke of Accord.

And the inhuman, apathetic Stonefolk that seems all too glad to profit from their institutional corruption.

For so too from him rings a response to her threat, though his comes one day later.

And with potentially shaking implications for the upcoming Election.

Greet. As the Labor of Governance comes to conclusion for the evening, Sol Auk sends forth message. As swirl so many candidate, as fervor grips the Leagues, allow Sol Auk to impart upon you an opportunity perhaps rare among Ephian politic.

Shahlil the Twice-Martyred has been reported endeavoring to end Sol Auk's life. Such a thing a nature of success, but so too is the nature of success - Charity. And as the Janissaries have confirmed the veracity of such a threat, allow Sol Auk to extend a Charity.

There sit three Leagues in Ephia. Should the Twice-Martyred be executed by any man, woman, or child before conclusion of the Election? Legate Sol Auk shall deviate from League Politics and throw his full, unmitigated support behind the League Candidate who shares badge color with the Executioner.

Thus concludes the labor of Governance for the day. Tomorrow is sought audience with Qari, please forgive that we keep missing one another my friend but as you can imagine much afoot. Live and Drink.

And not soon after comes an impassioned plea by the Ambassador to Frostport, Voiced de Veend.

QuoteIsabella de Veend
Apologies if I wake you friends, but I have a particular issue with children being encouraged to pursue dangerous criminals with the intent to kill them. There was a pause.

... do I even need to explain myself on this? Little ones should be harbored... kept safe... free to be innocent...

There was an audible exhale... let the Legion and other bounty hunters tend to the night, sweet ones. The gutters and wastes are no place for you. This was Isabella.

A sitting Legate's support to a candidate potentially beyond it's League, a self-confessed murderer aiming for violence upon the seat of Ephian Governance, and a plea to consider the children.

Whatever may be thought of Last election, this one begins with severe implication.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


As election politics swirls high and low - So many candidates such as Nadiri Mae and other still trickling to the petitions, the Twice-Martyred's reputation grows.

[hide=Shalil's Bloody Reflection]Shahlil Shadowbrook
I have danced within the magics of a Hobgoblin until their fires turned sand to glass beneath my feet. Through the coloring of its blood afterward I witnessed, at last, what you had done to me Sol Auk.

Within that reflection I have found a ruined image, but more important have found my purpose. Those who abuse the Wheel to wrong others may come to me, find me, write me, and I shall deliver your vengeance.

I alone hold the quill to the tome now, and I shall enter their names within for these misdeeds of a Legate. Yours is already written, Sol Auk, such is your destiny. Can you hear it, that strange ticking of time?[/hide]

[hide=Sol Auk's Political Bounty]Legate Sol Auk
A shame we have just begun minutes into election and Shalil would demand we hold not one, but two. The people of Ephia's Well deserve a fully mended governance, if one of the Acco would be so kind or one of the Legates wish seat marshal your leagues.

After all - Her head brings your Guild, Purple, White, or Gold, Sol Auk's favor. it is the least he may do for such a feat.[/HIde]

[hide=Shahlil's Threat upon Hunters]Shahlil Shadowbrook
Gers, Xia, Bernadette. Old companions of mine seeking to hunt me with the nameless maceman of no worth? Consider yourselves marked for this treachery against an acolyte of the Wheel itself, a fitting punishment will find you.[/hide]

As her list expands to include Minister Gers, the Gardener Xia, the Alchemist Guild's Bernadette, and a nameless figure of no worth - yet still marked for treachery, begins a shift in her rhetoric. Declaring herself an "Acolyte of the Wheel Itself".

Flowing into the next day comes an increase in such rhetoric, spurning gossip in the streets, open-air shrines, temples and more. Come the next night a further spreading of her proselytizing of "The Wheel".

QuoteShahlil Shadowbrook
I have contemplated the Wheel since my burning exile and discovered that the peak of it might move forward while those on the bottom are pushed backwards. Even more strange, those in the center might remain in....stasis.

You who would become true acolytes of the Wheel and find your most true self within the center of it, deliver the justice of it, and control how it might spin, all might seek me in the Dunes or leave letter.

None are beyond it, and all who take advantage of our faith shall be brought to rites, not matter how high upon it they feel they might sit. Isn't that right, Legate Sol Auk?

An open call to arms. An open call to recruitment. An open call to radicalization. Speculation runs rampant but questions continue to swirl. 
Some even saying these actions directly why Sol Auk has taken to open call for Paladin to come forward to serve as "Palatial Honorguard"
Some coward's gambit to hide behind the Sworn champions of Good and Just despite his many political corruptions, Brothel owned, and suspected Cartel leadership.

Come dawn though the rhetoric changes... predicated first by a clarion call of armament..

Friends, companions, comrades. It has been far too long since I've had vials of displacement in this potion satchel of mine and I would like to see this remedied. Find me the Krak des Roses with such, and be handsomely rewarded. I shall keep my vigil, over the monument, 'till you find me there.

Among a small gathering of Balestriere, Recluta, Magistrates Kragg and Qari, and even Legate Sol Auk does the Wanderer Lynneth fill a bandolier with Displacement potion one by one. Then after speaking at length with Magistrate Qari of Baz'eel, she ascends for oration....

Oft, my dear friends

It is said that for wickedness to prosper all that is needed is for those of goodly hearts and souls to do naught.
Apathy's song is a terrible, but hypnotic one, and it can lull us not just to sleep, but to our graves.

It is of great concern to me that Shahlil has, once again, slipped the consequences of her actions.
This time, though, t'was hardly a beatdown with tiny fists laid 'pon a deserving man, but the murder of a Voiced citizen, and officer of our Accord.
And further death threats even still, to any who would hunt her.

Who shall she kill next? Will it be one that you know, and like?
One that you admire? One that you love? She has even threatened little Xia, gardener, and wyld-guide.
This mad murder-hin must be stopped, my friends.
I am not afraid to raise my voice and say so.
The question then becomes...

... who will join me in this endeavor?

Cinquefoil Officer Lynneth, Thorn of the Rose, Balladeer and hero of many... Wanderer of Warad openly challenges the Twice-Martyred of the Wheel.

A White League Candidate of Ephia's Well hoping to become Legate, freshly armed with Displacement potion, prepares for Holy War...

While upon the Stele of Law in red glimmers the name of The Warrior, Agaslakku
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Amidst the other political overtures of the last few days, echoed a call.

QuoteShahlil Shadowbrook
Osuin, you are summoned to complete your oath.

Two days later call answered

QuoteOsuin Olavyre
Shahlil... verily the sun has made many journeys across the sky since we last did speak. My time wasted, days and nights consumed, traversing this labyrinthe wasteland. Let us have our whispered communion soon.

Come dawn after the midnight call, As before, so after - Osuin the Twice-Exiled joins The Twice-Martyred...

QuoteHerald of Ephia's Well
Hear ye, hear ye! Let it be known that in their wisdom, Legate Legate Sol Auk has hereby exiled Osuin Olavyre from the settlement of Ephia's Well in perpetuity. Let them find no succor here!

And amidst turmoil of the Accord Djinn Inquisition, and the Election underway for Second Seat of Legate, did the Twice-Martyr's rank grow by one as the duo who sought to slay Nadiri Bestworth, reunited in Exile...
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Amidst the political jockeying came a damning and fierce call.

QuoteShahlil Shadowbrook
Sergeant Colmes, oath-breaker, liar, heretic. I have found a path in the swirling winds this night and shall offer it once to you. Deny it and I will bring ruin, accept it and you may just redeem yourself before the Martyrs.

The Northern gate. Gather all the magics you desire and then come out so I might allow the masses to witness you being brought to rites for what you did to me. What is your answer, wordsmith?

A short timethereafter

QuoteDM Shout
-- An alarm is sounded at the Gate of Coin... --

-- In a brazen effort, Twindari Shahlil Shadowbrook marches without ambush, without tact, but boldly to meet Sgt. Rennik Colmes in battle before the Gate of Coins --

-- Flanked by a Balestriere dwarf, Sgt. Colmes marches back to the well and denies Shahlil her vengence against Legate Sol Auk, and the Jannisaries, after a alarm is rung --

As two heroic figures face off in battle - the Dwarven's intercession subject of potential debate, it is said that Sol Auk appeared far from heroic.

The opposite in fact. The Legate witnessed moving with Balladeer Lynneth of the White League to the League Hall - As fighting raged at the Gate of Coin. Shortly after withdrawing her position for Election she seen racing to the Gate of Coin.

And the lumbering form of Sol Auk simply plodding back to the Coinchangers, while the Janissary, La Banda Rossa, and so many amassed to face the threat posed by the Twindari folk hero.

QuoteRennik Colmes
Sergeant Colmes speaking. Shahlil of the Twindari, the Twice-Martyred, lies dead among her faithful. Urazzir takes His due before being writ upon the Stele. Toss the ash, hurl the evil./quote]
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips