Fabio De Avalore (DM)

Started by Qari, June 27, 2023, 01:45:15 AM

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Dearest  Fabio of the Gold,

I write to you to inquire upon the Gold's position, given the Purple league's response to Zaniah supporting another candidate instead of the purple.  They were most displeased with this, understandably so.  Gers betrayed the Gold last election by voting purple, and taking with him the votes of his guild.  He has stated to me he intends similar defiance if he loses the primary, and that he will not do as the league seeks if chosen.  His words to me were "Zaniah may sit and do as she is told, and you may as well Qari. I will not. I am a wizard, and we do not confirm, otherwise no progress would be made!"

If the league is content for such conduct from Gers, you may simply discard this letter.  If loyalty is expected of him, I would suggest shredding his petition when he attempts to turn it in.

-Qari Alriyh,
Former Magistrate of the Gold League,
Scholar of Mother Baz'eel