A letter to Lynneth

Started by aliceofthevoid, March 12, 2023, 12:09:48 AM

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A letter is left in the Krak des Roses, addressed to Lynneth

It has been brought to my attention that you might know something of a way to Bel-Ishun, Kula's cradle. I aim to make a pilgrimage there as part of my worship. If you know anything that you might could share, please do reach out to me.

Path be Thornless,
Soraya al-Shaher


A reply arrives, stained with wine and written in a well practiced and neat hand.

Honored Wyldspeaker,
I have heard rumblings of this place as you have, but have not seen it yet with my own eyes. I should like to.

I know of one who might, the wyld-walker Varin. He wears a green cloak, and wields a ferocious whip. Sometimes, he has taken to wearing an antler helm. If any know the path to the verdant paradise you seek, it would be he. Perhaps we ought ask of him, so that we can make pilgrimmage together.

Wander well,