Started by Minoan Vilekin, February 22, 2023, 10:11:51 PM

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Minoan Vilekin

Not for the feint of heart here is a distributed body of several works all sharing similar variations on a theme.  Whether the author or authors have blasphemed by intent, or by ignorance, is unclear.  Tablets and scriptures turn up in the dusty streets and the gutters too.


Minoan Vilekin

In the time before the Wheel began to spin, our Mother was only a Maiden.  She had no cause to weep, for she did not know what it meant to cry.  In the garden and the sands she found no company there.  She found no comfort.  The Sun beat down upon her only limply.  Everything was as it had been forever before.  Until she climbed up and up and up, and found a deep dark basin.  And then she peered into the basin and found Water.  And in the Water she saw a figure lurking.  Stricken with euphoria, she cried out to the Water and with his voice it answered her.  She had no ears to hear the Water's words.  It moved in places implacable to her.  It ran in crevices too deep for Maidens.  Still she yearned for it. 

This is one part of how Baara became a Mother. 

Cupping her hands she tucked them into the murky depths and scooped out that which is impure.  Her hands were a sieve and as the Water drained from her locked fingers the Water was born.  What came before the Water was only slime primordial.  So it is that the Water was born.  So it is that the Water was born of the Mother.  So it was that the Water was born of the Union of the Mother and the Man In The Water. 

This is one part of how Baara became a Mother.

Desiring to meet the Man in the Water, she drank.  She drank and she drank and she drank.  She cupped her fingers into the murk.  She drew up ink and slime and drank of it.  She left Water behind.  This is how she took our pain into herself.  This is how she became unclean.  When all the Water was, and the detritus was not, she called out into the depths.  With a wise voice the depths answered.  Then within the Water He received Her.

This is one part of how Baara became a Mother.     

Pauper of Pompeii


Pauper of Pompeii

And then the Wheel spun, and a Man came out in spirals from the depths. The Voice of Motion was upon the clean Waters. It thundered that the rings shall be for the places of the staves to bear the table. And this burst open the Spirit of the Man, for he was the seat of this secret wisdom, and then the Sun screamed fire. And then the World heard. And all was awake.

This is why Agaslakku turned a Warrior. 

The Man then came to know the garden, who conceived and bore him fifty score, which he knew not. And then he saw that they were the beasts of the Earth, the winged fowl of the Sky, and the trawlers in the Water, and he saw that they rose up against one another in Murder. And the Man stopped them with his axe and said unto them, Why doth thou Kill? And they cried, WE ARE THE FURY OF THINE OWN MOMENTUM. 

This is why Agaslakku turned a Warrior.

He looked into the Waters and saw that he was not at all a Man, and he saw he had horns, and that he knew himself not. He thrashed and spat and wore a bad aspect. The Voice of Motion then called from the depths and said, Yours is the three-syllable word AGAS-LAH-AKHU for you are Destruction who is the Maker of Nothing. And then He-Who-Became-Agaslakku broke his axe, for he knew now that he had horns.

This is why Agaslakku turned a Warrior.

Minoan Vilekin


Minoan Vilekin

When the very first foundations were laid of brick and stone and slate beneath them were hidden Secrets.  Secrets were in the Water too, and Secrets have always been with us.  Some Secrets are for keeping and some Secrets are for sharing, and that is how that is.   Secrets can be deadly and Secrets can be harmless, but what is most harmful of all is the Sharing.  Not all Revelations are for you, Izdu, his betters scolded, but still he poked and prodded and preened.

This is why Izdu is called the Magi.

The Man in the Water and the Mother longed for each other, but the Wheel did not love them.  "He is not like us!" they shouted while they spun, and the Mother had to keep her love for Him a Secret.  Izdu had to know, and with his sharp beak he plucked at the Mother's eyes.  "TELL ME! TELL ME! TELL ME!" he squawked.

This is why Izdu is called the Magi.

Unable to stand her sacred silence, the Scholar raked at the Mother with his claws.  He howled and tweeted and flapped and fussed.  He flew about her chambers and made a mess of the world with his rude peeping.  He could not leave well enough alone.  He scooped his beak into the Water and the Man Inside swatted at the bird.  He hissed and spat and spoke profane lies about the Man Beneath, and the Wheel balked, and the Mother wept... for now all knew her Secrets, and she and her Lover could be one no more.

This is why Izdu is called the Magi. 

Pauper of Pompeii


Pauper of Pompeii

When all was still Good, and the Old Custodians were yet strangers to the Holy Land, the Mother held the Garden until there were Red things, and Green things, and Blue things. Like limpets on seaside stone, the Garden clung to Her, suckling until its belly swelled with Life. Then it tore itself loose, and invited multitudes, until Life at last compassed the World. And then the Garden spake aloud with a blasphemer's tongue, "I AM KULA MOTHER-TRUE, FOR ALL QUICKENS WHEN MY WANT IS QUENCHED!"

This is how Kula became Wyld.

"Wrong, Indignant One!" cried the Wheel. "Wrong! Wrong! Yours is not the Mothering!" And then Kula felt naked, and she sprouted legs with which to seek out the Voice of Motion, which move'd all and knew the Secret of Water, which she coveted dearly. She skittered to the depths, knowing that its Speaker dwelleth there, and wove a Web about its door that she might catch Him.

This is how Kula became Wyld.

For one thousand nights and one thousand days did Kula await Him, but nary a thing moved her Net. Until then she saw that dew mark'd her Web like pearls, and that in the pearls was the Wisdom, which she understood was the Wisdom of the Man in the Water. "Sacred Surrogate, know that we are like the Spider," whispered the Wisdom. "Who weaves life and then moves along it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives inside that dream." Kula then saw that she was Spinning, and cried, "Then who has Dreamt me?" For a time all fell silent, and then Kula began a foul screaming.

This is how Kula became Wyld.

Minoan Vilekin


Minoan Vilekin

There was once an arbiter for justice, when justice was new and men were still heady with visions of paradise.  This was before heat came and scalded them.  This was before they knew what it was to lack Water.  The Mother and her Consort were still at one in the pools then.  A cottar in this age stole from his kinsman and Urazzir was appointed his judge.  He cut the thief's hand from his wrist, and they called it justice.

This was before Urazzir became Wroth. 

Urazzir licked his lips and lapped his chaps and smacked his gums and decided he liked the taste of Justice.  Like a carpenter with only a hammer, the Wroth looked around him and saw only nails.  He saw only the wicked and the deceitful, and all he saw were wicked and deceitful, and all would thenceforth be punished.  He took up his gavel and smote head and clove babes in twain.

This was how Urazzir became Wroth.

He smote the wicked.  He smote the righteous.  He smote the women.  He smote the fathers.  He smote the Mother and he smote the Man in the Water until they fled from each other.  He smote the Magi and he smote the Warrior and he smote the Sabotage and he smote the Wyld and he smote the Twins but he smote not the Wanderer for he ran and hid away.  In lieu of siblings to smite, he smote down on the little things called mortals.  They were all wicked to Urazzir and in their time he would smite them all.

This is why Urazzir is called Wroth.