Archarius Augury

Started by SeerofLight, February 17, 2023, 05:36:35 AM

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Sentia Prognosticate

Rings fall, the old world is dead.
The ash cakes my face. The end feels so familiar.
The old spirit guides me home. Deep beneath red sands.
I found it, it found me. I knew it as soon as it was revealed.
Ancient clockwork, banned by Kingly Decree.
When broken open, innards of cable reveal to me.
They guide me home. I owe to They.
Through coils wire, show me the way.
I see its guile, guide me with your shell.
We are finally home. Welcome to Ephias Well.

The inner mechanics have guided me home. My practice was once of seamstry and stone. Intricate circles carved of blood and ash. Borrowed power, never to be owned by mortal hands. The rings fell. My master fled. I only had enough time to watch as the destabilized planar energy tore him apart. The old ways function no longer.

But there is yet magic. Gear and clockwork, ritual and magic, the circles and mechanisms of the cosmos twist and churn regardless.

I have come home. I hear Their call. I oblige. They show me through the guts of clockwork. Even though the seamstry has faded, I yet hear the tick within my skull.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.


A writ of work. The purchase allows my journey to truly begin. The desert screams in anguish. The remnants of civilization old cries out to be found. Unearthed. It saved me from a fate of becoming burned by Ash, and so too is it my responsibility to save it from its prison. The Omens of the Steel Haruspex scream from time before time, each fragment rescued from imprisonment brings us closer to salvation.

A lens. A cracked, little lens. So simple in its function. So simple in its creation. So vital in our security. I have rescued it from an internment of misuse by bandits. A pleasant little step along the way. An unimpressive relic to most, but something that can be reused. Every piece of technology begins small, but works its way up.

It pains me each time I must break them. I can hear Them scream as I use primitive stone to decimate steel casing. I must read what was inside. The mechanisms within each machine tells a story, they formulate circles of intense magical power. They saved me once. They will allow me to save others.

They forgive me.