Geoffrey Cartwright, Walk this Way

Started by Blue41, January 15, 2014, 03:53:03 AM

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I only had the opportunity to meet him once and never saw him again, but getting the chance to read through these screenshots lets me know that I've certainly missed out on something spectacular.



I don't often comment on these threads, but that looked like a fine story.


A masterpiece - EFU drama at its best.



Thanks for sharing the story with us, Blue!

John Doe

A wall of text I actually enjoyed going through. The story of Geoffrey has been one of the very, very few Character Journals that I always read eagerly from start to finish. Thank you for letting us share in this wonderful experience. It seems like you have outdone yourself again.




Every interaction I've ever had with Geoffrey was top notch and it was a pleasure to watch his story unfold so closely. Its characters like this that take the inevitability of death in EFU, and use it to bring storytelling to such fantastic heights.

Great job, A+, and looking forward to your next!


Interacted with him one time, but from this post he had quite the adventure!


Loved how you fearlessly dove into the substance storyline when it jumped in your lap, Blue.  Makes me see how I could have played the rat crown better.  You took the ball from BoM and Calculon and scored a touchdown.

Three of my PCs interacted with Geoffrey, and I greatly enjoyed it on all.  Someday I hope we'll have PCs in the same faction again.



He was Jimmy's best friend.  It was an honor to have a support role in an amazingly fresh PC.  More than once Geoffrey was the reason I logged on.

Oh and I hate you for getting him eated!

Awesome job man!!!!!!!