Bonus to searching things you've already found

Started by VanillaPudding, January 02, 2022, 04:18:22 AM

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Call it "Familiar search" or "known area"

In short, your character gains like +10 vs searching the same secret door / passage / whatever else that THEY have discovered before (not someone else).

Most pros / cons considered, I think all it really prevents is forcing people to not do the idiotic walk in circles / side strafe 5 or 6 times to discover a door they already discovered :)


While a fair point in theory, I'm not sure how viable this actually is in practice.

I'm fairly certain that to do something like this you would need to arrange for there to be some sort of token granted the first time you go through a hidden door, which  means not just generating a script, but then manually applying it to literally every single secret door in game which is a..collossal amount of work for a relatively minor buff to realism.


I'm told by a smart man that it could just be attached to the existing search check for doors and such, and then a variable attached to your character that matches the door ID or whatever.


This is a cool suggestion that I'd love to see implemented.