Death XP penalties and DM XP

Started by Jasede, January 10, 2014, 01:40:20 PM

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This doesn't work at all.

According to the announcement, any DM XP (the one given with "DM granted bonus") and any exploration XP is supposed to not factor into your respawn penalty. I've gathered some of both and my respawn penalty is nevertheless 1/3rd of my total XP.

Either this system was removed again or it doesn't work.

Knight Of Pentacles

Outdated.  Perm XP is marked as such when given.  Exploration xp no longer counts.


Oh, I see, can you link me to the relevant post? I'd like to inform myself.


It only counts as permanent now if it says explicitly in the experience message that it is permanent experience.


There is nothing to inform.

Permanent exp is separate exp and you'll notice when it's given, it does not come automaticly now.


What I was trying to get at was that I can't find any documentation on this topic; the only information I could find was the post by Jo., in Announcements, saying it was for Explo. XP and DM XP.

You said it's separate XP, but how does it look? "DM Granted Bonus"? That one can't be it!


It is. It is simply DM given, as a reward.


I don't think it's working, then! I got "DM Granted Bonus" a few times, but I still pay the 1/3 of my total. Maybe the permanent XP could have a different message, like "Permanent XP: 500" or something like that, to distinguish it from the other kinds of DM XP, the one that says "DM Bonus XP" and the one that's just "500 XP".


You will know when you get permanent exp, it was already said it shows when you do. You simply haven't gotten it then.


Permanent DM XP:

Is a floating message you receive when you get it. No other XP is permanent.

We changed the system. This is no bug.