firebrand area of effect

Started by VanillaPudding, May 06, 2021, 08:41:31 PM

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It seems as if firebrand area of effect has been vastly reduced, whether by bug or otherwise. Could it be restored to the default gargantuan (8.33 meter radius) size? If not a bug I suspect a change actually happened back in the days of level 17 firebrand scrolls laying all over the place. Since scrolls were fixed to not drop like that I don't think a reduction is needed.

Thank you


Still gargantuan in the script, so not sure there's a bug here.


Does the area of effect have a limitation from the target of the spell or from the caster? With the spell being medium ranged maybe creatures further away aren't getting hit and I'm just not remembering it properly. Thanks for checking either way!


Quote from: VanillaPudding on May 07, 2021, 04:50:34 PM
Does the area of effect have a limitation from the target of the spell or from the caster? With the spell being medium ranged maybe creatures further away aren't getting hit and I'm just not remembering it properly. Thanks for checking either way!

It works like how Isaac's does but with fire projectiles. It isn't an area of effect.