illegal goods needed

Started by zerotje, April 14, 2021, 09:23:59 AM

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I think it'd be nice if we had, in the module, some items that would be considered "illegal" to have.
To incentive Retainers or perhaps the Vestry to search people or seek out criminals.
Giving another incentive for conflict.

edit: and not just Drugs that nobody takes unless they base a concept around it specifically.


I mean items of Necromantic, Infernalism, changeling, Shadow, and Abberant nature are generally the things considered illegal at present, no?  Though each one varies quite a bit, Abberant would get you in a lot more trouble with the druids  than it might on first glance in the peerage ward.

Problem is that retainers are not really a policing force and the Blackjacks have little to no authority. If you're a retainer and you think someone is trafficing such things though then please feel free to stand up and demand to see someones pack . If there's something thaty exists that you want to be illegal (Such as drugs, poison or the like) then take actions IC to have it enforced.

I dont think we're lacking Illegal items, just people with any actual authority to enforce it.


I guess you're right. Let me, perhaps, rephrase my original idea.
And say, that, I would like for some questionable goods, to start being considered "illegal".
People are too casual about necromancy, shadowmancy, infernalism etc.
I'm casting Shades in my quest in the faces of everyone, dramatic emotes, super clear about it and nobody reacts.


Not everyone is going to react or even be surprised.
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