Edits to Half-Orc and Half-Elf.

Started by Poolson, December 10, 2019, 04:09:44 AM

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I think NWN is in a prime position to catch 3rd edition up to Pathfinder and above, where they utilize and prop these half-races up, so as to make them more attractive to play. It's good to have choices without shooting yourself in the foot. To that end, I suggest the following;

Half-Orcs: Only +2 strength, only -2 charisma. (Half-Orcs are described as mighty in the core book, but often looked down upon in society, sometimes leading them to prefer the company of animals instead of people.)

OR: +2 strength, +2 constitution, -2 intelligence, -2 charisma.

Half-Elves: +2 charisma, -2 constitution. (Half-Elves are described as people who look too human to be an elf and too elf to be human, but are quick to make acquaintances along the way.). Racial bonuses unchanged.

Anonymous Lemur

Half elf just gaining +2 cha would be fine since they lose the extra feat humans get and otherwise have mediocre bonuses.

Full blooded mountain orc stats on efu last I played one were as followers +4 strength, -2 wis -2 int -2 cha and light sensativity (-2 all saves and ab during the day and blindness on failed fort save). So half-orcs are already significantly better in that regard.

They have a unique model that sets them apart and while I agree they are ironically quite weak. I don't think removing any of their negatives is a good idea because of the relative value of +2 strength at lower levels into the higher levels vs the other stats which usually only provide benefits at the top end of the efu level scale. Perhaps if they had light sensitivity +2 strength -2 int wouldn't be so bad.


Rather than create another thread, I thought I'd start beating this drum again.

Everyone, across the board, can agree that Half-Orcs & Half-Elfs are the worst mechanical races you can choose from the base list.

As per the initial post, I suggest the following changes;

QuoteHalf-Orcs: Only +2 strength, only -2 charisma. (Half-Orcs are described as mighty in the core book, but often looked down upon in society, sometimes leading them to prefer the company of animals instead of people.)

OR: +2 strength, +2 constitution, -2 intelligence, -2 charisma.

Half-Elves: +2 charisma, -2 constitution. (Half-Elves are described as people who look too human to be an elf and too elf to be human, but are quick to make acquaintances along the way.). Racial bonuses unchanged.


No thanks. Not everything needs to be balanced.


On a similar vein but as a slight aside, could it be considered that Half Orcs be provided an EFFECTIVE (not actual) +2 Charisma for checks involving barbarian rage? (just to cancel out their negative modifier in this specific instance?)

With so many changes to barbarian rage now requiring charisma, it seems a touch unfair that Half orcs should have an inherant disadvantage at their favoured class.