Arcane Mimic bugs

Started by Electrohydra, May 30, 2020, 10:37:18 PM

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Some bugs I have noticed with Arcane Mimic -

1. You can steal certain class features.
I have stolen the "Remove Disease" class ability from a Paladin.

2. Recall Spell does not seem to apply metamagic
When stealing spells that have been cast with Extend Spell (Ghostly Visage and Flame Weapon are the ones I've tried), it properly checks for the metamagic when the spell is stolen (I could not steal Extended Ghostly Visage before level 6, for example), but when the spell is cast through Recall Spell, it is cast as the non-extended version.


This kit is very unique in its mechanics, and its implementation is somewhat awkaward and hacked together to make it work.

There are probably many more issues with it, but since its an apped kit, and one that no one is interested in touching, so just FYI:
1. Since we approve people, we trust them not to exploit w/e exploits it might have (stealing class special abilities for example).
2. Unfortunately, you'll have to live with the bugs. It will be much easier for us to just bin the kit rather than try and fixing it.