Volley-guide Arrows/Bolts

Started by Poolson, May 18, 2020, 01:26:10 AM

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What?: An arrow (or bolt) named "Volley-guide Arrow/Bolt".

Description: "An obnoxiously bright painted shaft, with wide feathers of another, yet just as bright, color. Originating from hunters painting their munitions, so as to make the arrow easier to fetch when digging through foliage, this technique would soon be adapted by commanders on the battlefield, so as to guide marksmen under their command in the heat of battle. The bane of war beasts and commanding Lords alike, the volley-guide munitions are the ally of any commander, or marksman."

1 per every 10 gp.

Purchased at Toyfolly merchants or anywhere mundane merchandise is sold.

On hit: Target is either turned a bright color for 6 seconds, or emits an emote, reading [Is struck by a vibrantly colored projectile].

Why?: No particular reason. I thought it'd be a object of utility to use during group content. We have a similar item (paint bomb), though it's an uncommon find and targets everyone in vicinity. It'd be a great help for archers, who are already woefully lackluster by themselves, by allowing them to see a target, and, in unison, chip away at it together.

Or, a commanding-type character could instruct their forces to eliminate certain enemies in a certain order.

Alternatively, we could get paint bombs as a frequently sold object at Webber's Wonders (or the Magus' store in the Peerage Ward) and limit their capacity to only paint one target, to cut a lot of the fat off of this and work with what's already available.