Charm Monster spell bugged

Started by Eraamion, April 02, 2020, 12:57:35 AM

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I tried to use this spell several times but upon dominating the monster, neither control companion nor voice commands work. The monster keeps attacking the nearest allies and avoids attacking hostiles. The only thing that seems to be working is the follow radial or voice command, which keeps it harmless. Pointing it at a hostile just makes it begin attacking the allies again.


Charm is not Dominate. Different Spell!


As per wiki and other documentation:

"Charm Monster
Now operates similarly to the standard NWN "Dominate" effect. You can control monsters you cast this on."

.. So, yes. It is dominate.

The bug is rather common in all instances of taking control of an NPC, including Animal Empathy where perhaps it's most well known.

A hostile entity who had already engaged in aggressive behavior toward a PC will constantly continue to initiate that behavior.
Essentially, you're not going to be able to tame it. Eraamion. But you should be able to wonk it out by spamming commands to it while people whack it, or something. So it's not a total waste.


Try using stand your ground on the charmed creature and then control companion.

I found that not doing that would usually mean I would use control companion and target an enemy and once that enemy was dead it would revert to the default behavior (attack nearest, follow, etc) instantly.

By setting it on stand your ground, it would just stand there after its target died and you would be able to just send it to attack another instantly.