AC/AB Nerfs When Carrying the Kings Gifts

Started by HeWhoSeeks, December 05, 2019, 01:36:06 PM

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At the moment, any joe-blow will just waltz off with the Gifts knowing that they can easily 1v1 , or even 2/3v1 you.

Much in the same way that someone with stealth is heavily penalized when picking up the gifts, it'd be cool to see it going the other way too.

Before anyone says "but stealth is so easy to invest in" - that's a crock, it's about as expensive to buy a potion of ESP which completely counters stealth buffs, not to mention that they need a solid 20 above you to not be seen, not taking in to account other NWN engine modifiers.

Would be cool to see someone go "oh, crap, even though I'm a level 9/8 well kitted out PC, I could get beaten due to carrying this object that is that bright is abolishes stealth and causes movement slowness, yet defensive maneuverability and offensive capabilities are 100% unaffected. No blindness from the light it yields, etc.


1. No, not any joe-blow can just walk off with it unless they are allowed to remain unhindered. If you can't make them stop from walking off with it they could have simply turned around and whacked your face into the ground. Because that is obviously how superior their character is to yours if you can't beat them down from behind and with attacks of opportunity.
2. Stealth is penalized because unlike a heavily buffed up cleric a stealther could otherwise just sneak off with what you fittingly described to be a "object that is that bright". Light sources on your character give you stealth penalties in the base game too AFAIK.
3. Stealth is easy to invest in though. A solid 20 above spot and hear is easy to achieve. Why? Because aforementioned joe-blows often do not put ranks into Listen and Spot.
4. Being overburdened and slowed down to a snail's pace is already a big blow. See point 1 for further details.


A free +5 AC while not in combat from expertise being in sticky mode is a tad silly, especially if you're busy carrying gifts that large that no one has learned to just bring a blanket to cover them.

Even if it was something more to represent the heavy load, and even if it nerfs stealthers, sure - something like reducing dex to 3, or a large negative. Make it so you can capitalize on people carrying it - introduces more than the "I drink 10 potions, invis, attack from invis - I am so witty" that happens with every dispensary.


Attacks of opportunity happen at full AB and whoever carries the gifts still moves at a snail's pace.

Anyone who attempts to just walk away with the gifts will get ganged upon and be forced to leave the gifts. If the people present can't do that they would have had no chance against that person in a 1 on 1 fight, therefore been eliminated from the Dispensary anyways.

It is kinda telling that you made two threads about the Dispensary back-to-back.
I will see myself out, all that I can say has been said.


No way no how. They have to -catch- you first. This for example, allows casters to spam cantrips, people to use tanglefoots and ranged attacks. Not everything needs to be all "im melee, drink my same hotkeyed potions and left click".

"Attacks of opportunity happen at full AB" - where is the relevance to that? Or, even disable expertise while carrying the Kings Gifts? If it is meant to represent this oh-so-difficult thing to carry and manuever, why is it not negatively affecting the people who benefit the most from just picking it up and being impervious?