Split up the Dyes

Started by Richørd, November 24, 2019, 01:24:49 PM

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Chief Tailor Salarius the VI in the Peerage Ward seems to have troubles handling his gigantic sortiment of dyes all at once.

Please separate the dyes by Cloth - Leather - Metal.

On that note, please make it so we can sell the dyes back to the same NPC. The process is already expensive as it is and further inconvenience by the rather high costs for dyes is just unecessary I believe and could absolutely be mitigated by selling the remaining charges of dyes back to the mephit.

Anonymous Lemur

Would probably be doable, but likely a nightmare for a dm to set up the separate shops with how those ones in particular populate.

For dyes though, one thing you can do is purchase a tailored suit with the dye scheme you desire and then place it into the uniform chest next to a dye barrel. Then you can dye items those colours much more cheaply!


As a note, these easy but labor intensive tasks for improving the shops and readability of dyes can probably be done by willing players and submitted to DMs.


A script generates the dyes the first time the shop is open.