Newcomer's Guide to PC Factions

Started by Random_White_Guy, September 28, 2019, 12:00:56 AM

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Hello!  I've had a few people reach out once again recently in regards to PC plots and such so I thought it'd be helpful for those newer to our wild (and at times difficult) setting. Welcome to EFU! While everyone loves DM Loot and the thrill of DM plots one of the most enjoyable and enriching pursuits on EFU is the PC Plot. 

What is a PC Plot?

Simple. While DMs pursue the small and big events and server changing stories each character is encouraged to have their own endeavors. With a little bit of practice and some cooperation with other PCs though you can create your own plots to help fill in the gaps if things get a little boring or if DMs are busy with other parts of the server. Sometimes that can be settled by simply running organizing a few quests or holding a little gladiator fight in the arena or something like that. However if you're really hoping to get into the meat and potatoes on EFU you can endeavor to try and create your own pursuit.

It can be at times daunting to know where to begin, how to go about it, and similar so you can consider this a little step by step guide with examples.

Part 1: Characterization

To preface the most important part of a PC plot is to have character. Not everything every PC does has to change the world. Sometimes it can be as simple as focusing on trying to change things around for a small corner of the server or even just helping a few PCs who you think could use a little assistance. Through your character's efforts you can make or break someone else's concept so that's something to kep in mind. In the pursuit of your own PC plots though the most important thing to have is characterization.

A PC plot can be as unique as your own character and the more effort you put into things, the more you can get out of it. (Even if it may fall flat on its face)


QuoteIn creating the character the player of Tom chose to be a Ranger with a wide array of skills since if you're more than just a sword you're more likely to get more work. With a Favored enemy of Orcs and Goblin he focused on the twisted forests of the Mongrelwoods in the hopes of curbing their presence and protecting the innocents of the Pond. While one man can hunt orcs and goblins, do the quests required, and similar there's only so much that can be done from just the questing system. So he starts coming up with a PC Plot...

Fed up with having to rely on others for questing or if no one is showing up to his whispers, Tom the Mercenary decided to take a bit more active pursuit.  Mercenary can be so much more than an extra pair of hands. What is it every mercenary wants? Purpose and gold. You can find that almost anywhere of course, so what's the difference between Tom the Mercenary and every other sellsword?

Tom likes to hunt in the Mongrelwoods.

Part 2: Involvement

Once you've decided you want to pursue a PC plot it then becomes a matter of... well, what next? Typically this is where the PC faction comes into play. A group of PCs who have come together for one mutual goal with one or two PCs usually taking the reigns in a micro-level DM role of coming up with plot ideas, story pursuits, and similar undertaking. A chance for PCs to help other bored PCs begin pursuing larger efforts.

QuoteArmed with bow and sword Tom has made his rounds in the Mongrelwoods for days now with anyone who will listen. He's made friends in the ponds, he's made friends in other areas who came to his sendings to meet up at the ponds. To get a few hands and try and make a change of things he gets the idea to make a Hunters Lodge operating around the Ponds. As the Groundskeeper Cabin was abandoned he and his first friend Barbarian Billy take over the territory and begin to make bigger plans...

Part 3: Organization

There's a lot of option with PC factions but typically the best way to operate is one PC takes the lead and is raised as leader. Choose a name you think is cool for your faction, give yourself a custom title, give your lieutenants their own custom titles, and begin trying to organize PCs in giving out new jobs to new recruits. Pirate crews have Captains, First Mates, etc. Churches have High Priests, Temple Guard Commanders, etc. Then choose some unique uniform dye colors you can begin using on the equipment of your company (Dye barrels located in the Peerage and Ticker great for this).

Once you have your faction name, your titles, and your uniforms you can really start to get into the full and fun swing of PC Plots on EFU.

QuoteWith the founding of The Mongrelhunters Lodge in the Ring 98 Ponds, Gamewarden Tom and Barbarian Billy begin accumulating resources, supplies, and more from the region in a more organized effort. Any PCs they come across they introduce themselves as Mongrelhunters Lodgemembers. They have matching uniforms, they have fancy titles, they've organized with a clear pursuit: To protect the Pondsmen from the recent incursions from the Mongrelwoods who have been terrorizing the pondsmen. They make sendings advertising the threat of the Mongrelwoods and offering to escort Peerage and Ticker PCs for a few groat as they're locals of the land.  They sell excess supplies to the merchants of Ticker Square to raise funds for their equipment and a Company Warchest, and similar.

Part 4: The Hook

Once you have an area within a region you call your own, uniforms, and an ally or two you can really start to open things up in terms of both interacting with other PC factions but also the DM associations and DM Elite Factions. Once you've got a foothold there's no end to what you can pursue so long as you're willing to put in the work. What began as one PC's simple goal (Mercenary, bored, seeking to hunt the Mongrelwoods now organzied and spreading his agenda) can then start to take on a life of its own. Recruiting other PCs to you and your friends pursuit in the hopes of making something greater is something that is really fun to do in the slow hours of the server. It gives you something to do at those times you can't find anyone to quest with and it gives PCs a reason to come seek you out.

QuoteRecruitment was going slow but then a PC appeared which caught Gamewarden Tom and Barbarian Billy's interest. Scholar Steve is a wizard who is wholly interested in the legendary Witchstones of the Mongrelwoods. However as he is lacking the funds to hire the mercenary huntsmen he heard of, instead he offers them an exchange - If they will escort him on his search of the Woods he'll enlist in their rank offering his talents as a brewer, identifier of relics, wizardly talents, and more. Once they've got three people in uniform and running about they learn that Scholar Steve is more than happy to help sell potions to raise more funds for the Lodge's endeavors.

Part 5: The Floodgates Open

While there's no guarantee any PC faction will succeed or fail there's this supremely magical moment where what began as your simple character note suddenly is an alive and breathing entity in EFU. You started out alone but now you've got a few friends and their friends have friends and suddenly PCs you've never even encountered begin seeking you out and you can begin trying to intermingle their DM or PC Plot agendas into your own pursuits and really "Grow the brand" so to speak.

QuoteA letter arrives from the Butchers who want them to bring more pressure against the Peers who regularly hunt the Mongrelwoods. Butcher Belinda having heard of these new upstarts pursuing the Mongrelwoods and figures if they're able to tackle one of the most dangerous places in the realm they could be useful allies to have against the Vile Orzans. They meet at the Butcher Shop and share some introductions and stories and Butcher Belinda explains that with the Peers on the rise they've been using the Mongrelwoods as a stomping ground to get resources and similar.

Offering a deal to The Mongrelhunters Lodge the's prepared to have her underlings offer them protection in Ticker Square to their newly hired quartermaster, Sleazy Stan The Mongrel Seller, who is selling mongreltribe trinkets and smiilar often in the Square. Maybe Stan's interested in Guild Membership to do more legitimate merchantbusiness in Ticker Square, or maybe the Hunter's Lodge wants to expand beyond the filthy pond and Sell out for fame and fortune (As Tom was a Mercenary after all)

But at the same time the Orzan Ollie catches wind of the meeting with the Butchers over a whisper. He prepares a counter offer - Why work for Ticker when you can profit off of harassing them? Anyone who can survive the Mongrelwoods is a great friend to have in the 99th ring and as the Butchers have more members Orzan Ollie is prepared to offer them all kinds of prestige and publicity. Full recognition from House Orza as the Gamewarden of the Mongrelwoods and the ability to levee taxes in the name of their Lord (Keeping a nice little share for themselves).

At that point the PC faction can cut a deal with one group or another, sell out and join one group or another, or just work as contractors for either faction.

I'll end the examples there but at the end of the day you get out of EFU what you put into it and with a little bit of creativity and willingness to put in a bit more legwork the possibilities are endless. And the best part? None of this requires a DM. A wholly PC pursued effort where your plans bounce off of other people's plans and can help create something from nothing.

What was an empty grounds keeper's cabin is now thriving with Pondsdwelling hunters and PCs, gaining a foothold and interacting with factions and PCs in the other rings.

Not a bad few week's work for Tom the Bored Mercenary Ranger.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips