Drop Pack from fugue tool

Started by Cruzel, January 21, 2019, 06:44:02 PM

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Recent events have had me pondering. It's poor from, and bad for server performance during big events to yank people for supplies. But in dangerous, permadeath events, this can be the difference between life and death.

I propose a /c command or player tool that spawns a box in a player's inventory. Anything put in that box drops in a pack next to the players' corpse. if the command/tool is used again. This allows a person to share their supplies during a hard event with the surviving players, without forcing inventory tetris or an extremely intensive script crawling through someone's entire inventory.  The player has complete control over what supplies drop, making it convenient for survivors to use what they need without rooting through pages and pages (and maybe bags) of junk.


I prefer death helping to combat loot/supply inflation.


I was thinking the use for this is more along the lines of -

"I can specifically choose to drop some CSW and death ward potions" without my party needing to yank my entire pack so they can save me for a possible raise or prevent a TPK.   There's no inventory tetris, and it makes it a lot easier for your party to 'loot' the specific things that are helpful rather than sort through like 7-15 pages of junk in a pack item.

There's nothing really stopping them from yanking you otherwise if you tell them beforehand ICly to loot you if you die/get 'knocked out'? Just a matter of convenience i guess?