Improved hostile tool

Started by VanillaPudding, June 04, 2018, 06:16:20 PM

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If possible can a tool be created that allows you to use it once, click on an enemy without a USE animation, and toggle hostile on that character as a free action? A means to rapidly hostile SOME people in a group and not others would help a ton of situations.

I understand that there is setally and such, but that isn't always viable and in the current environment there are numerous factions at play and it's a pain in the ass to constantly type hostile all / unhostile EXACT Names, etc.

Secondly, can the /c unhostile command please be made to use partial name values like /c hostile can? As stated, it currently requires specific name values.

(So, /c unhostile ed won't work for removing hostile of edward "knife crusher" edmond, but /c hostile ed would work)

zDark Shadowz

A player tool for hostiling sounds good, also if it toggled unhostile as well when a hostile PC was clicked.

Then summoners don't have to use BO mode or stop all their actions to scan a list of 30+ players to set someone to like before the summons force people to play pack Tetris. That layer of dynamic would be very cool.



Another player tool???

Alright, done. By using the last player tool in the list (I think I named it something dumb like Hostile / Subdual Toggle) on self you may toggle subdual mode, and by targeting another PC it should toggle like/dislike.

Also touched the unhostile chat thing.

Haven't tested any so please report if it's not working.


Works great, and thank you very much.