Ambient Loot Suggestions, EFU:R Edition

Started by Howlando, February 17, 2014, 03:16:46 PM

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Conscripts Sweat Stained Arming Coat
Base Item: Padded Armor
This thickly padded coat is usually worn under heavier armor to cushion weapon blows. It provides the bare basics of protection, but requires very little skill to produce or repair. This coat bears dark circles of old sweat under the arms and smells of struggle and poor hygine. Still, it seems thick enough to blunt most dagger or arrow thrusts.
+2 AC v Piercing
-2 Persuade
-2 Bluff

Pikemans Patched Padded Leather Jerkin
Base Item: Leather Armor
Patched, sewn, and patched again, this padded leather jerkin hails from the Surface. It bears all the scars of its long journey to the Underdark as its owner repaired it a great many times. The armor still bears a bit of the owners stubborness to replace the garment.
+1 Will
+2 Discipline

Sellswords Studded Jack
Base Item: Studded Leather
This leather jack has been studded with various pieces of metal, fortifying the armor against incoming blows. The original owner has taken a point to maximise efficency over appearance, creating a rather brutish and ugly suit of armor. Fitting for their profession of a sellsword, it is just as tough as the man or woman who would fight in it.
+2 Intimidate
+1 AC vs Slashing
-2 Persuade

Spearman's Scale Armor
Base Item: Scale Mail
This simple scale armor is a staple in many armed forces from across the Realms. Sewn into a leather doublet or arming coat, the scales overlap to provide protection to the wearer. This suit in particular seems to have the comradeship of spearmen or shieldwalls sewn into it, aiding the whole as well the individual. This mentality may not have suited its original owner well, but it may benefit  you. 
+1 Concentration
+1 Discpline
Bless Once

Plain Company Chain Shirt
Base Item: Chain Shirt
These short mail shirts are a great boon to those unable to afford more substantial protection. Mass produced by mercenary bands, they are easily traded or looted as companies collapse, retire or reform with others. This shirt has been kept rather dull and plain, as to help these transitions.
+1 Hide
+1 Concentration
-2 Persuade

Bannerman's Breastplate
Base Item: Breastplate
To carry a banner or flag is a dangerous job. Enemy champions, hostile magics, and missile fire is naturally drawn to its location. Whoever carries the flag is bound to seek out sturdy protection and this breastplate provides a measure of such. Lightly enchanted to better protect against the dangers of the battlefield, it has found its way into your possession.
3 Charges
Endure Elements 1/charge
Entropic Shield 1/charge
Shield of Faith 1/charge

Crossbowman's Chainmail
Base Item: Chainmail
Commonly worn worn by arabelists and crossbowmen, this thick and heavy mail armor has been lightly enchanted to give a marskman the extra few steps to get a better position or to fall back from a charging enemy
Expeditious Retreat 3/uses
Spot +2

Man-At-Arms Coat of Plates
Base Item: Banded Mail
An apron like coat hangs from this armor, plates of iron and steel sewn into a mail backing. Sturdy and strong this armor is favored by soldiers and warriors of less then noble heritage. These men may not fit the idea of a Knight In Shining Armor from the fables, but they are warriors all. 
+2 Discpline
+2 Concentration

Hired Blade's Half Plate
Base Item: Half Plate
This suit of mail and plate armor belonged at one point to a hired sword. It's rugged and simple appearance oozes hostility and threat. whoever wears it is clearly a person who has no fear of solving problems with violence.
+2 Intimidate
+2 Taunt


Fortune Seller's Gloves
These purple gloves emit a dim purple light other than this minor enchantment they have no apparent use except perhaps to convince someone the wearer possess some sort of fortune seeing ability.

Purple light (5m)
-1 hide
+3 bluff
OUB Bard, Sorc, Wiz.

Greatsword of the Cold Knight
Rumour has it that this blade was once wielded by a brave knight whom got lost in the deep caverns of the Underdark. The knight was beset by all manner of aberrations and beasts as he wondered the depths of the Underdark. Though he managed to repel all manner of attacks he remained lost and eventually died of exposure to the cold depths of the Underdark.

OUB Paladin, Fighter
OUB Good
-2 saves vs cold
+2 Saves vs fear
+1slashing damage
Prayer once per day

Lost Handaxe
Inscribed along the strangely crafted wooden handle is "If lost please return to Holfast & Sons Logging"
+2 slashing damage
Massive criticals +1d4
OUB Halfling, Gnome, Goblin (small stature)

Svirfneblin night visor
When activated this strangely crafted visor helmet  enhances ones vision in darkness. Though the visor contraption emits a slight humming sound.

-3 Listen
+1 hide
Ultravision 1/ day

Pendant of the endless Bug.

This is a pendant of a bug. It seems to possess an almost endless amount of feeble healing magics. When used the pendant emits a rather annoying sound very similar to the noise of a trapped flying bug. Only those who are of the most annoyance insist on repeatedly using its feeble healing magics.

Cure minor wounds 50 charges 1 per use
-1 Charisma


Expert Climbing Claw (Dagger): Add +2 to EFUSS Climbing, -1 damage, +1d4 Massive Crits, can be used as a Climbing Claw.
- This well-made steel climbing claw can serve as a weapon, with its jagged edge cutting into stone and flesh with equal relish.

Spade (Handaxe): -1 damage, can be used as a Shovel.
- This well-made steel spade can serve as a weapon, although its shape still remains better suited to digging through earth.

Modified Grapple Gun (Light Crossbow): reduced weight (80%), -2 damage, +1d4 Massive Crits, can be used as a Grapple Gun.
- This well-made steel grapple gun has been modified, such that it is capable of firing regular bolts or rope grapples.


Light Grenade
Effectively a glowstick that functions as a throwable item.
At its target, spawns a placeable or invisible creature that radiates as a light source. Can think of many themes for this, from luminescent algae or ooze, to
just a regular torch.Great for marking paths, lighting up dark areas/areas that can't quite be reached.