Your Most Iconic PC

Started by SkillFocuspwn, April 14, 2018, 12:45:56 AM

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There have been a few that have been defining for me as a player.   But I don't know how iconic (save for one) they are.

Lithianthus Greymouse (aka "Mouse") was a PC born of sheer unadulterated OOC (newb) rage back in EFU1.  She was created with the OOC sole purpose of taking out whatever was left of the Montezzis, and particularly Caddies' PC.  Yes, you can laugh now.  I had no idea just how bad I was at this game at the time.  But that rage actually fueled a pretty damned successful PC.  She ended up being a triple agent for the Montezzis, the SG Associates, and a Maskarran cult.  I loved every minute of playing her.  Interestingly, she is one of the few PCs that I actually had good PvP experiences with.  With her I was able to delve into all sorts of shenanigans and odds n ends.  Playing in her head was ... sometimes scary.  There was a deep dark pit in her that still gives me a bit of a chill to think about.

Mera Helyanwe ... she was ... almost like Mouse v2, but as a cleric and a zillion times squishier.  With her I got to see the true sandbox of EFU.  And I got to see a side of players that are normally considered to "Hardass Haterades" that was pretty damn cool.  So while she wasn't memorable to anyone else, she's special to me.

Mith'Szeous Fenouile ... because in my noobishness I didn't appreciate what a rarity she was at the time.  A half-drow monk/wizard.  And because with her, I got to have a lot of fun (if IC weepy) times with a brand-new DTW.  Who managed to convert her to worshiping Orcus.  [smh] I'm still trying to figure out how that happened.

Katiana Amaranthus ... my Loviatan with a knife fetish.  Her mind was interesting to play in.  Almost as dark as Mouse.  I wanted to do something a bit different than the typical "whip freak" Loviatan.  I wanted to get into the psychology of it.  Take the path less traveled, as it were.  And that led to some odd and interesting places.  Another one that kind of scares me to dive too far into.

Fera (I can't get into EFUSL to get her full name) .. a member of the Ithelquea (or some such ridiculous spelling.  Thanks Germain!)  Another true sandbox EFU moment.  We started our little group during the first hours of EFU:A.  We were going to be THE Undead Hunters of EFU:A.  And we did a pretty damned decent job of carving out a spot for ourselves.  The memories are still spectacular.  I could go on and on.  We were a tough lil group.

No "iconic" thread would be complete without Rani Begon.  She almost needs a post of her own.  In some ways she's my biggest triumph, in other ways some of my biggest regrets.  Mostly triumphs though.  Thinking about the different PCs I got to meet, the stories I got to play in ...  there were some truly unforgettable moments with other PCs that I will always cherish about my EFU experience.  Sometimes it was the BIG THINGS that were amazing.  Most often it was the little things.  I got to see the server breathe.  The 1-2 minute interactions with a deer or a tree or an NPC.  The random flashes in the sky that let you know someone was watching.  Reading a book over the fire with another PC.  Silly IG/IC jokes.  IC nicknames.  Singing to trees.  Playing chase around the trees with shifters/were-critters.  And of course, Marcail. 

And lastly, Phlrrf.  As lonely as it could be, I really did love being a 'shroom.  Everything about Myconids fit my play style.  Two of my goals with him was to a) be longer lived than Rani and b) stay as close to the spirit of canon Myconids as I could.   But alas, life happens and so he got retired in a fashion.

There's been a few other PCs that have been near and dear to me.  But I've either played them under an alt, or I'm the only one that would remember them at all.   But I think this pretty much covers the big ones.
[20:20] <crump> nature's not outright trying to murder everyone there, it's playing gentle, lures everyone into a false sense of security. then it strikes. chicago's weather is the bdsm of nature systems