Pick pocket vs cut purse

Started by Castle_of_Moonlight, April 20, 2018, 09:24:34 AM

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Alright, so I was browsing the tools for a rogue and I found something odd, there is a pickpocket tool where you can steal some one's gold, or there is a cutpurse tool where you can steal someone's gold. I tested these two out with Sc and here are my findings and suggestion.

Pick pocket: When failed, roll bluff check if that fails you are caught. There is a timer to prevent taking gold from the same target, and that lasts about 30 minutes. Unfortunately, I didn't do it stealthed and the timer prevented me from doing it on SC again, so didn't get to see what happens when successful.

Cutpurse: When used, you roll a check (1d20 + Skill = X Vs Dc: y = X). If you succeed, you get a very thematic telling of how you just stole some gold, after a brief delay you get your gold and a message about how you tuck it away neatly. If done out of stealth you get a message saying you were seen, and if you fail, you get a message about how you went at the wrong angle and shouldn't try again.

Problems only fall on cutpurse, as while it is thematic, it doesn't have a cooldown, meaning you can use it on the same person over and over. Aside from that, I also got 25 XP for doing it. My two suggestions are either remove cutpurse, or combine the two because while Pickpocket does work fine, it's not as thematic as Cut Purse is, but cutpurse has its problems too.

Side note: The perk "Cutpurse" says this, "+2d6 more gold stolen by using the Cutpurse player tool." so as far as I know, it might only work for one of the two tools.
It's not about how long they'll survive, but how long they'll be remembered.


If you can repeatedly steal from the same person without a cooldown, there is a bug. A cooldown for each individual pc should be in place for cut purse.

Perk only works for cut purse. Hence the name.