2018 Bi-Monthly Feedback

Started by Kinslayer988, February 02, 2018, 08:25:57 AM

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It will be nice to see in future new neutral-hub for monsters and nature-theme characters as it was Mycopolys.
It is cool and nice what happened with Mycopolys and all understandable what it is sort of consequence for all actions and it is now hard time for wild characters but still in my opinion it will be nice to make even little place where monsters, wild, nature-theme characters may meet with each other for some RP and quests.
Радостное одиночество.


I really just want to applaud the efforts of the DMs lately.  It's really made the game world come alive.  It's even fun to get your ass kicked (usually) by an NPC.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Kind of my insight as being a councilor.

One) I wish the prefectures were a bit more defined or had more unique things granted to them. A few prefectures seem a bit bland / not as fleshed out as the others.  Like the Blue Mushroom had this really dope room that you could invite people into; the Stadium doesn't have such a thing.

Two) More impact on passing / voting on motions. I know it's the last thing a dm wants to do, but considering we voted on several motions and agreed to them, nothing of them really went into law / were over looked as time went on. It felt kinda pointless to even look at the forum after a few weeks of seeing things written up but nothing really being done to show these things IG.

Three) This one's a bit more directed to players- don't be so scared to do crazy things. A thing that I focused on as Oliver was enable the villains to do their villain things. Most of the time, it was a slap on the wrist. Unless you're going full murder spree, most councilors will probably let you do what you want. Expand on that and exploit the current 'lawlessness' of Sanctuary!


Then for that matter, I've often encountered random exploreables as a solo PC. It might be nice for half of the XP to be from discovering the exploreable area, and the rest to be inside.

Found a post from 2014 recently that was bumped a few times about the expectations for the quality of the RP going up significantly in ch. 4. From my perspective I think I'm definitely in a server where that was taken to heart by 99% of players.


Things have been fairly awesome overall!

+ Good amount of DM activity
+ Players treating each other well OOCly (mostly speaking in terms of pvp, winning OR losing side)
+ Server running well

The only downside I could speak on is that the "meta" is still sitting mostly idle. There are a ton of moving parts on numerous plots, but they really don't seem to be going forward. I personally thought that the end of EFU:M was too cluttered and fear that happening in this chapter as well, whenever that may be. It would be cool to see some of these revelations prior to the last few weeks or month of the chapter. I'm mostly talking about things like Prassix and the machine, Man in the Mask, Mur vs Magnatz vs Sanctuary, Faussad (maybe?), and other such things that have kind of been scraped on for years. I'm sure there are more and I'm sure some folks have seen more than others, but they are not really "finished" .

On the other hand, it was really cool to see some resolution to things like Alqvin / Etorix and how he made a huge dent in the Dread. Even though he is not gone or finished, it was effectively resolution to some long standing questions :)


I feel like EfU is now, as in the past, a collection of celestial bodies growing or shrinking in mass proportional to the number of people interested in them at any given time. When the mass of any two bodies grows sufficient, they collide. But rather than one consuming the other, there is shrapnel and force and it explodes outward. Sometimes one body can create two, or disappear entirely, never to be recovered.

Factions. Factions are the celestial body metaphor in that one there.

In EfU:R, and correct me if I'm wrong: the emphasis is on the pre-established plotlines like it really hasn't been before. In-universe hooks and factions and personalities upon which a character is to lay their plans. Subversion of the dominant paradigms, besides factions for whom that is a stated goal, is rarer than in previous iterations.



We had 3 chapters worth of Player/DM interaction to get us here. Setting-wise, this is a culmination of a lot of IG events and lore. And just because we're here now doesn't mean we won't be somewhere else later! Most importantly, I see people proving every observation I've made wrong, by making active characters that pick a target and Change Change Change.

So what I'm anticipating is game-changing events, handled with fluidity by the player-base with the capacity to see the fun past the rickety-ass software.

Meanwhile we all sit praying that NWN:EE doesn't bungle the netcode.


VP nailed it honestly.  I'd like to start seeing actual things happen, rather than made up dm quests.