EfU's "Explained" Series Youtube

Started by Garem, October 13, 2013, 08:19:04 PM

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I was explaining EFU to a friend the other day, as I've done many times before. It's a challenge to put it all into a bite-sized nugget of information. For example, how can you possibly explain in one breath that EfU is a...

Persistent World, Online, Multiplayer, Quasi-Canon Forgotten Realms setting of Dungeons and Dragons via Neverwinter Nights One, Pre-Steampunk, Low Magic, High Fantasy, Character Roleplaying, Player-driven but Dungeon Master-guided, Storytelling, Survival-Horror, Mystery Solving, Action-Adventure Game

Good grief. That's a mouthful, and surely an incomplete description.

It's no wonder we have a hard time retaining players. The complexity that we love about EfU makes it hard to get into. People are naturally disinclined to exert effort over uncertain rewards - reading all the background material just to START EfU is challenging enough to keep plenty of great roleplayers away. That's a shame!

So, here's my proposal, and I need a lot of help with it.

I'm going to draw up a "storyboard" to explain EfU in a Youtube video, with a voice narrative and images to show every step of the way. An easier to digest format might go a long way in helping potential new players sink in to EFU.

I need help with...
- putting images together with the voicing.
- gathering those images to fit the voiced narrative.
- product testing/QA
- Youtube tools (in-video links, for example)
- things I'm sure I don't even realize yet
- voicing, maybe. My experience is pretty limited. If you think you have a great voice for this, let me know! No hard feelings if I don't think the fit is right.

If the product is successful (and I have guinea pigs aplenty to test it!) we'll move on to other important videos.

"How to Play" - making and following around a new character, explaining how character roleplaying and interaction works, questing, the death system, basic IG survival, what DM interaction means/looks like, "what the hell is metagaming", and so forth.

"History of EfU" - from a metagame perspective, where EfU started, the mysteries solved/unsolved along the way, and where we are now; this will be mostly compiling nice pictures and using the awesome stuff found here:


So, if we have the right talent, let's do this.


I can voice act. I'll buy a new mic that's nice and crisp.


The "master of lore" shall aid you.


Let me know if you need my help with anything, Big G.


Ditto.  Plus, I suggest you outline how you want to approach it then delegate out some of the tasks.

Also--   Brilliant idea.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Need anything drafting up Garem happy to assist.


Is there anything I can do?


Glad to hear support. Making it a reality will be harder, but this isn't unmanageable with the right people and skills involved.

One of the big problems we'll face is Youtube and video editing. If we don't have anyone who knows how, or is willing to learn how, we'll be unable to move forward or we'll have to pivot towards another way of showing our work product.

For starters, we'll be drafting the "storyboard" using RealtimeBoard.
For Chrome users: http://realtimeboard.com/from-chrome-store/

It's a digital whiteboard collaboration tool. Runs on my beat up netbook, so shouldn't be any problems there.
When you have the App running, simply click here and you should be able to see the storyboard as we build it: https://realtimeboard.com/app/11860851/EfU-Explained:--What-is-EFU?/

For now, people interested in helping should get comfortable with Realtime Board. We'll start fleshing it out soon. But we MUST get someone who can take the product and put it on Youtube.

Also, here's an example of the kinds of visual and verbal sequences we might use:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6G1r5yuKFLk (Darkfall Online)
-No voicing, but nice short words to explain the game.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0RA9ALOJFs (Totalbiscuit on M&B Fire and Sword)
-Strong, clear voicing. We won't be using his quick, abrasive style. Nor be so long and thorough in one video.


Also, for people who want to help but don't know how or what...

I'm going to be a backseat manager. Everyone is welcome to work on this.
Add images you think are useful.
Comment on what you like or don't like.
Write up text or dialogue.

I'll start putting people in charge of certain parts if the need arises, and I'll be the one ultimately responsible for the final product as a sort of Executive Editor.


I think we should get the map we have that was made that looks like its on parchment. The one outlining lower and sanctuary. And explain the various changes the city has undergone with that as a background?


That's a great image. Add it to the board! =D
It'll be even more useful if we proceed with a the "setting explained" video.

There was a awesome map of the Archipelago we might use, too.