Arcane Spell Modification Feats

Started by ScottyB, February 15, 2009, 07:27:11 PM

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I like this! I have always thought of feats/spells/skills/abilities as capable of trade-offs, feats to boost skills, skills to boost abilities (namely AC), and I think this is an awesome idea! You spend something to gain something!


The suggestions you've made are too OP.


You forgot the *rawr*

My two cents!


I don't see how! The Mage Armour suggestion assumedly would not remove AoOs, so would only benefit in a few situations (running backwards through doorways blocked by fighters, running through people), whereas Scare can only affect a single creature under 5 hit die and Fear is a level 7 spell. Using two spells to make a single level 9 spell powerful (although not as powerful as ILMS or PhK, and still easily blockable!) does not seem too overpowered a trade-off to me.


I forgot my facetious tags.


Well, thinking of everything, what mages could use are abilities to take certain buffs, when cast, significantly better than on consumables by more than just duration and dispel resistance. It would help shake their "easy target" status. I've been thinking of a few.

SF: Illusion feat. The Sanctuary effect is applied to all Invisibility and Improved Invisibility spells cast.
That would make a cast invis significantly stronger than wands or potions, since it can't be Seen past if you fail the save. It would hower only boost it for "getaway" situations, not imp invis buffing, or ganks.

Fleet Retreat
SF Transmutation feat. Expeditous Retreat now grants 200% movement speed and a +1 Dodge AC bonus.
A way to gain an advantage over haste-chuggers.

Stunning Shocks
SF Evocation feat. Gedlee's Electric loop now stuns opponents for 1d6 rounds.
Brings it up to Soundburst level.

Touch of Death
SF Necromancy feat. All Necromancy touch range spells grant a +10 AB bonus to the caster.
Ghoul Touch is good. Vamp Touch is good. But, you have to hit the opponent. With crappy AB.
