EFU Spell Changes Spreadsheet

Started by Kotenku, May 15, 2017, 08:48:22 PM

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As a (POSSIBLY?) returning player looking for information to get started playing on the server, looking through spell changes is a colossal pain in the ass. Having been around this place for a million years, I happen to know that keeping spell and mechanics changes up to date is ALSO a colossal pain in the ass.

My suggestion is to use a spreadsheet hosted through Google Drive, where anybody can suggest edits, and only a limited few can approve or make edits without approval, which will serve as a single repository for (publicly available knowledge of) spell change information!

I already got it started. I'll be leaving it open for all to edit for a limited time in case anybody enthusiastic about the idea would like to have a go at it. If this gains traction, I'll script some features to make it easier to manage (eg. checking for duplicate entries, adding a database of vanilla spells (if I can find one) to rapidly populate entries.

The spreadsheet is located HERE:


It's probably fairly obvious that I populated the first few columns just by going through Tala's Spell Changes thread (here: http://www.efupw.com/forums/forum/information/efu-mechanics/81477-efu-spell-changes) in order and filling things in.
The fun thing is that once all the data from that thread is populated into the sheet, there will remain no requirement for it to remain in that order, and it may instead be sorted by any column a user might desire (by downloading duplicating the sheet to their own drive and manipulating the sheet as they wish).

The biggest benefit though, is that as changes get made in the future, it will mean there is only a single place where updates need to be made; no old threads to go searching through, and no wrestling with the god-awfully archaic markup language used by vBulletin (or vBulletin's INEVITABLE descendant.)