Disappearing traps

Started by GetFlashed, October 17, 2016, 01:17:59 AM

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So tested this in two different areas with three different types of traps. You can set the trap down but if you try to recover your own, it doesn't give a roll or anything, it literally just vanishes.

Haven't tested taking other traps up recently so not sure if it's just linked to pc placed ones.


Are you sure you didn't just disable them by mistake? I jsut test placing down a trap and recover it. Seems to work fine.


Quite so. Tested one trap today. The other two traps were a few days ago in a different area so thought that was the cause but I was wrong. As stated, there was no roll or anything. Just poof.


Hm, do you have perhaps a full inventory? Perhaps items having no where to go would just poof. I've had lost a few shields that way


Nope. And I don't get any messages whatsoever.


This could really be expanded on:

What were the two areas you tried it in? What were the tilesets?
What were the traps you tried placing?
Where did you get these traps?

I mean, it sucks and shouldn't happen, but as it's written right now there's nothing you gave us to narrow things down. If TheFreakingGuy can also elaborate on the area and traps he tried, that would be good as well.


Beyond the Windy Canyon, I put down a minor tangle trap.

Ark, I used a minor gas and average spike.

​I placed them down and then shortly after (without moving for at least two of them) I did the recover option. I am not sure where I got them from. I have some that I retrieved and some that someone had left in the "Old Bag" placeable that I came across.


Placed a trap on the watcher bunks and recovered it just fine