Lower Sendings...

Started by John Doe, August 31, 2013, 11:39:42 AM

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John Doe

# This could be the result of formidable chance, so I'd like to tentatively state that I am starting to feel that the:

- Beggar Child does not deliver messages as reliably, despite taking your gold;
- Messenger Girl does deliver your message reliably.

# The Beggar Child works, but with a lesser frequency. The Messenger Girl has worked succesfully all the times.

... I hope it helps. Them rats be gobblin' my jink up.


They are sneaky little messengers. Might sometimes just take your shinies and bail. It is a chance you take.

John Doe

That'd be the IG explanation for it yeah, but as I spoke with Talir earlier he mentioned that it was a bug and that you were unaware what was causing it.

Nuclear Catastrophe

We'll look into it, thanks!