Barbican Terrain

Started by Hound, May 23, 2016, 08:04:00 PM

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I'm fairly sure I made a thread about this before, but I can't find it any more. If I could I would've bumped that, but as is - please can someone take a look at this zone in the toolset? The pathfinding is a tragedy waiting to happen for any potential pvp in the area. Some areas have a bit of bad clipping, but the Barbican is just impossible to navigate reliably.


I thought I was the only one having trouble there. It looks like flat terrain, but I keep getting hung up on invisible things. Bumping because this is a legitimate issue.
Currently playing: Quass al Quadra



Tale as old as time.


We're aware of it and it bothers me also.


I found away around this problem. you have to click to move while standing at the gate and zoom your camera in so you can see the far side of the map and click to move as far as you can. If you click far enough you can watch your character walk across the troublesome walk mesh no problem.

zDark Shadowz

It's weird, same kind of terrain in Lower catches me when I'm walking past the ring on my way through.

It's kind of like the area takes a fair bit longer to load what parts of its terrain are walkable, because after about thirty to forty seconds or so in the area it clears up and the places I did get stuck on become perfectly walkable.