Civil Servant, Tax Collector not speaking to Prefect

Started by grumpy, March 27, 2016, 10:17:31 PM

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ESSID: goettendaemmerung
PC: Geldgier Schicksal
Location: Port Authority building in Canal Ward

Hey guys, thanks for all the hard work on the Prefect system, it an awesome addition, and I have high hopes that we'll see some really neat things come from it.

The "Civil Servant, Tax Collector" NPC in the Port Authority building says the following when my (Prefect) PC clicks on him:
QuoteA man in the uniform of the Civil Service of Sanctuary is here. "Greetings, I'm afraid I have no time to speak, I am only here to see the Prefect."
This hurts my feelings every time.  My PC was in his Prefect toga last time I tried it.  I'm not sure what the NPC's purpose is, or if this is an unfinished feature or bug, but it looked like something I should report.
