Give Scion Toughness

Started by sharkinajar, January 11, 2016, 01:05:19 AM

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As the title says, this would be a HUGE help for a perk that can benefit from a lot of different feats and is somewhat squishier than its weapon-wielding counterpart. Maybe trading out the +3 lore or the bonus vs traps.


I commend this suggestion. Giving Scion toughness would give it that tiny little nudge of extra power that puts it smoothly on-par with spellsword for viability as a mean claw-swinging melee sorcerer.


Toughness feat will not happen. In that case it will be a +2 con bonus instead, which is exactly the same.

While this has not been added to the background, I have modified the 2/+4 damage reduction to instead be a plain 2/- physical damage resistance. Coupled with ghostly visage it should give you plenty of survivability.