Just for Druids

Started by Thomas_Not_very_wise, February 10, 2009, 12:43:56 AM

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I was doing some brainstorming, and I realized that the druids do very little to keep the balance aside from smashing aberrations and cursing any wayward adventurers that enter the wilds, as PC's, without DM help.

I was thinking of a system, which would really require little on the DM's part, that will help the druids out in doing what they should do, taking care of the forests. On the Rumor's forums, there could be a separate dialogue in where people who play Druids check occasionally to see if there are any updates, such as a mysterious sickness appearing among the wolf population, a number of trees being infested with insects, etc...

As of now, there are varied druid alignments, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Evil as of now, and we generally work toward the same goal, using the same methods, simply because there is nothing else to do towards this end. A druid of Talona would let a plague run its course because it is a natural disease, whereas a druid of Silvanus might work to stop it to save the trees. Discussions and debate would flourish, perhaps even druid PvP!

I am thinking if the DM's could cause disturbances, such as a widespread infestation of a natural beetle in the trees, the druids could debate whether or not to interfere in them, do we cure the trees of the beetles, or let the beetle run their course, despite them harming or killing a great many trees.

Perhaps we could go a step further and add rapid wolves in where the druids can go and cull when spotted, rare, jungle cats suffering influenza, and we have to calm them, and decide whether to cure them, or not.

Right now, Druids just go around killing Spamming undead quests, and any exploring we do is just for pleasure, and doesn't serve any real purpose.

In the end, curing massive plagues would require DM help, but they wouldn't really need to do much. A roll heal check, and we know what will cure it, and we go and cook up the ingredients.

I would like to see us doing what druids should be doing, keeping the balance might caring for the world around them.


I think one of the biggest problems on EFU right now is

"Omg there is nothing to do except quests and PVP.  DM's, come give us plots and XP and things to do!"

Sure, DM plots are fun but it's pretty obvoius they have been busy lately, (Revamp anyone?) and with some of hte more recent bugs adding EVEN MORE to their workload just because you're lazy is kind of dumb.

PC Plots are a lot less common these days, and there are a small few players that still go out of their way to give things for other players to do. The real problem with EFU these days, is not enough players are taking an active role in the server. Most poeple are just waiting for something cool to roll around they can relate to or jump on board with.

The truly fun times in EFU is PC factions, and plots. Some players really excell at this, and recently I have tried to emulate them, in terms of how they could take even the simplest of things and turn it into a plot for like 8+ people,  and something they  can do for hours rather than QUEST QUEEST LOGOUT WAIT FOR RESET.

I think this suggestion could have merit, but saying "Omg the druids have nothing to do,  GIVE US SOMETHING DMS" is a poor way to approach it, imo. I think a better suggestion would be  for the players to think up some creative plots for themselves and roll with it, because that's what really makes EFU shine.

That said, Hit me up with a PM if you still can't think of anything. I have something for you.


Cruzel, please read the first sentence.

We're doing little in the way of keeping the balance aside from smashing aberrations and undead.

To be honest, we have tons of plots and relevant material, but I realized we're doing very little in keeping the balance itself.


Nobody calls Thomas lazy.  Damnit Cruzel, you've crossed the line this time...


I always thought that this was a time for druids to be going "I told you so!" and pointing at the disturbed balance.

I can has fun?

These two statements are related:

Quote from: Thomas_Not_very_wise;109688Right now, Druids just go around killing Spamming undead quests, and any exploring we do is just for pleasure, and doesn't serve any real purpose.

Quote from: Cruzel;109691The real problem with EFU these days, is not enough players are taking an active role in the server. Most poeple are just waiting for something cool to roll around they can relate to or jump on board with.

I've been playing island tour guide for quite a while now, and it nearly -always- leads to something interesting. There are things all over the server that I know for a fact most people have not seen. Additionally, when DMs log in and they see a group of people traipsing through some gawd-forsaken section of the island, they tend to get more interested in what you're doing.

I can think of several good druid-related player plots right off the top of my head, and I'm still drinking my first cup of coffee. These are guaranteed to lead somewhere, even if you never see a DM.

"We're going to balance the growth and distribution of the herbs and plants on the isle, and teach a few city-dwellers how to best care for them."

"The orcs are massing in the Misty Mountains, they overhunt the nearby fauna and may be preparing for an attack. We must organize a raiding party to trim their numbers."

"Come with us, people of the ziggurat, to the Webbed Woods where those who help us prey on the overbred spiders will have their wounds tended and antidotes provided."

I was talking to Cruzel last night about this, it seems like everyone's imagination is hibernating around here. He said that was just the cooldown after a massive server-wide plot, but I think people just need to re-tool their expectations. Go to nearly any other server and you will see that we have an embarassment of riches when it comes to plot hooks just laying around the setting, waiting for someone to do something with them.


TNVW, I don't think you need a dm at all to work towards all of the things you mentioned. Invent a plot if you like. Start telling people about "beetles" or whatever is out there, get people talking and worried. If it catches on with PC's, trust that DM's will notice and spice it up for you.

Perhaps in the earliest days of efu it was reasonable to be a lamb to the DM's will, but now a days its best to be your own shepherd and let the DM's be your flock. (that was totally gay)


All of these suggestions are good ones.

I felt that since the DM's control our environment (and what we do with it, really), unless they say it was so, it really wasn't true.

I will get to work on the plots I have, then suggest these.