Crossbow Knockdown

Started by Deception, July 25, 2013, 01:35:33 PM

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The crossbow is a very cool addition to NWN's weapons, but is frankly terrible in terms of power compared to the bows. Even with feat investment, they miss out on 1 APR, which is understandable, but they also have a lower crit modifier for some reason. The average damage of crossbows and bows are nearly identical, save for the fact that bows do more damage in the longer run anyways, taking the +1 APR from Rapid Shot and the occasional 3x crit into account.
On an older server, knockdown had been enabled for ranged weaponry. If this is feasible, it'd be a cool and an adequate push in power if KD could be used in conjunction with crossbows.

Not to mention that it makes sense that a well-placed bolt could pin someone down due to the sheer power that a crossbow actually has.


No. You got called shot. I definitely personally do not ever want to see knockdown on ranged weapons.


I was about to say ''I'm all in favor for this'' - then I did the math...

Bows get +1 APR with rapid-shot, up to 3 APR (1d8 20 x3) at base AB +6
Average damage (assuming all hits) = 15.525 (5.175 x3)

Crossbows get rapid reload, which enables 2 APR (1d10 19-20 x2) at base AB +6. Average damage (same assumptions) = 12.1 (6.05 x2)

Damage difference : 3.425 ( or 22% increased damage) in exchange for 2 points of AB seems to me a reasonable tradeoff.

Now, where things become unequal is with Weapon spec - the 2 points increase of average damage benefit bows 33% more than crossbows. (the same line of reasoning applies for things like mighty or elemental bonus damage from arrows / magical properties )

So, perhaps allow fighters with weapon-spec : Crossbow, to have their Knock-down applied to ranged attacks ! but perhaps, a simple boost to the general power-levels of Crossbow would be more fitting and less controversial (improve critical range, increase base damage - or make +1 AB crossbows a common occurrence)

Oskar Maxon

Seeing as we now have the math done, I tbh don't see the problem. Damage is just not the same for each weapon.


The fact is also this, ranged does not need to move a bit to hit his enemies. Melee must always get close, and can be ran from. You do not -need- knockdown with ranged weapon. Enemies can run, towards or away from you, and you can still keep doing quite fair damage, even horrendous if you have the right build and AB for it. The lesser downtime for hitting enemies compared to melee is huge advantage.

There's tanglefoot bags, spells, feats, all kind of ways to slow, stun or stop the target. I am not about to allow it be made easy as just picking a feat to start knocking folks over that do not in any way properly portray the ability to disable someone by shooting at their leg or what not.


It's not going to happen... although I'm sure everyone on the server will want to express their opinion. So I'll lock the thread.