No Hostile NPC's on the Ziggurat

Started by Meldread, September 09, 2008, 09:52:40 AM

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I think, for the sake of not having people spawn into the game world and die almost immediately, that hostile NPC's should not follow PC's into the Ziggurat area.  Maybe the power of the Mythalaar repels the Nightrisers, animals can sense the unnatural presence of the magics there and avoid it, and intelligent humanoids (such as goblins) could have superstitious views.

Pretty weak IC excuses, I know, but lets face it – we want new players to show up.  We do not want them to die less than five minutes after they start playing.

Sure, you don't lose anything really, but it's a pain.  I think I'm going to work toward doing something IG (if the DM's allow it) to help prevent new players from wandering off into a bad area right off the bat.


This is seconded by the man who ran straight into a bloody skeleton and had to flee for his life, resulting in excellent RP I might add! ;) But I think this may have already been done, as when I hig the ziggy the skellington ceases its blood-crazed charging.


I don't know about getting rid of them, but taking measures to warn new players would be a great idea, and a perfectly sensible PC goal.

I ran into a group of hostile NPCs too large for me to try and take on (especially not knowing how strong they are seeing as the skeleton model ranges from rat to ogre strength in different circumstances) before running into anyone helpful, NPC or PC. For me this is fine because I know the server and have faith in the team that put it together and manages it, but if I were a new player stumbling into the server it may be very discouraging. I don't know how many new players are still stumbling into PWs this far down the road, but if they still are it would suck to see them walk away over something like this depriving them of a chance to see what the server is really like, and us the chance to get fresh RP talent... or PvP meat.

the feeling of jumping right into exploration is fun for now. But I expect the society will grow and the map will change as more people claw up from the dark or get zapped in, and in a week or so someone should probably put up a sign.