Alternative to lame pointbuy, hitpoints

Started by Nihm, September 10, 2008, 12:13:13 AM

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I really hate pointbuy because it forces us into predictable and overdone stat sheets.  We all know the efu-ized fighter will have 14-16 strength, 12 charisma and a tower shield, for instance.  Well yawn.
I suggest that at special times, for special characters, Dms can at their discretion allow a reroll of one or all stats.  This is simply to make something random and unpredictable in a build.  Characters could excel in a stat without slaughtering their other stats, or their stats could become substandard.  Either way it is not a predictable millionth-of-a-type pointbuy atrocity.
Hitpoints, on the other hand, shouldn't be random in my view.  They should be 1-3 full as now, then 5/6 level 4-7, and 2/3 after that.  Why? because its terribly unfair when a level nine Barbarian with 12 constitution can be 39 plus 42 (81 hitpoint total) while the same level Mage with 12 con can be 15 plus 30 (45 hitpoint total), a d4 class having over half the total of a d12 class.
Hitpoints should become more about class and Consitution and less about a random number.  Saves, attack bonus and anything else is not random, only hitpoints are, and it really isn't fair to any class that relies on hitpoints to survive if they get crappy rolls.
I'm not sure how feasible scripting these would be, just putting them out there for consideration.


Thankfully impossible, since it's also undesirable.