Back after - 3 years, I think it's been.

Started by Pelorean, April 23, 2013, 08:36:33 PM

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Hey guys!

I used to play here from 2007 - 2009 as Hammerfist0, when I was a teenager. And this PW absolutely made school tolerable for me back then, while it perhaps didn't help my grades. I never played any characters of consequence, I think, but I had a hell of a fun time. You guys, especially the DM team, are awesome for putting up with me back then.

After I left, I got into P&P roleplaying at my college for a few years, and then found out that this place still exists. When I saw it did, I had to pop back in and see whats going on. Seems a lot has changed to say the least- so I'm excited to start diving in and seeing the lore of the place!

Divine Intervention


I'd like to be the first to say, "Welcome back!" Things are as deadly as ever. ;)


It's always good to see old faces turn new again.


You made it here at a turbulent time. Welcome back!


Welcome back Hammerfist0!


el groso




Welcome back!

Hope you enjoy your return and the current chapter of EFU =)
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]

Joe Desu

Always good to see folk return to where we all should be.
Welcome back.