Salt Raider Barbarian Perk

Started by VanillaPudding, February 11, 2013, 04:10:14 AM

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This perk appears to be a little flawed. Damage immunity boosts to a rare elemental while raging is quite mundane and nearly useless, and so I would suggest that they gain an electrical damage boost instead of damage immunity.
This boost could simply follow in line with the other perk that has such a bonus, which is something like:

+1 electrical damage at all times
+2 at levels 1-3 during rage
+3 at levels 4-7 - during rage
+4 at 8+ - during rage


+1 damage at all times might be a bit strong.


+1 damage at all times is not overpowered in my opinion. Weapons commonly create that buff, spells can give that buff, all things that are easy to get and available on most occasions.

It is not a stat boost, or an AB boost.
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


Yeah, and you will then have that +1 damage in addition to those other bonus damages.

Shit adds up, and electric is elemental.


No that is total damage. How is +1 damage of any sort ever strong? Another scripted perk already has it among the new ones! lol


That is a pretty significant boost when added on top to all the other things they get also! Though it is true that the Salt Raider and Desert Nomad could maybe use a little changing up, especially the latter of the two. Salt raiders are pretty good at what they are meant to do though, and that's fighting on the stormy seas and surviving the water.


Sadly we never fight upon the stormy seas or on water, and so the effects are useless. It simply brings it right in line with the desert nomad perk anyway!


Perhaps at level 8 they could get a 1/day flame weapon (lightning damage) token, in addition to their underwater move-speed.
