Hototo the Parrot

Started by Blue41, December 31, 2012, 03:37:13 PM

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This was my third stargazer, and it'll probably be my last for some time, barring some spectacular concept-inspiration. Hrundar was the warrior, Adari was the wiseman, and Hototo was intended to be more of a gentler, kinder type, who cared more about plants and animals than the conflicts of man (and Gazer). My OOC intentions were quickly dashed to pieces by IC events: regular beatdowns and the petty cruelties inflicted on nature by those around him soon turned him into something else entirely. So in some ways, he was a failure, and in another way a success: because I have everyone I interacted with to thank for Hototo's development.

Didn't take these screenshots for nothing, so let's get to it.

A most memorable DM quest, thanks to Winston. Seeking word of Gaeseric the Unyielding, the travels of the tribe led them to a forgotten Ape island, where they encountered KONG IN THONGS

I did my fair share of stalking, which is fun in that voyeur kind of way. For more info, see Perks, re: Stalker.

Gazers were blowing up. I remember making up a third of the server at times, and it was a surprising amount of fun to race through withered lands as a gazer war-band, wrecking H'bala's shit.

Visiting a place of significance to the tribe.

I told quite a few stories and had quite a few chats that ended up influencing the Parrot's character- more than I've screenshotted, sadly. This is probably the first point where the difference in opinion and philosophies started to develop into something more.

A casual encounter with a minotaur in the scars turned into a raid on the Ill Companions, a crazy chase into the Forgotten Forest, and the general sequence of events that would lead to Hototo's fate, much later on.

Thanks to just about every Stargazer running around in the Eyrie, the Watchers who were only to willing to share their various philosophies, and the handful of Mistlockians who know how to let a conflict play out. Be seeing you IG soon enough!


that's pretty creepy yo



Always liked the parrot.  Cool character to RP with, even cooler to have conflict with.

Mr Howardson

Hototo the Chirping...


I didn't meet... sniff
no parrot soup for me