Karisa Firemane - now Part of the We

Started by efuincarnate, September 16, 2012, 01:31:36 AM

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I wanted a pc that would be a  carefree, adventuring PC, and always loved  the Barb class, so I cooked up Karisa Firemane.  No real goals beyond  exploring and trying to do the more exotic quests.  Funny how if you  live long enough on EFU, you end up in all sorts of great plot, and your  character evolves into something you never expected.   She turned out  to be great fun to play, and even more so in the last days on team  nature..

Thanks to Avery and Jora for being constant companions  in the wilds, and all of team nature in the last days! The days were  long and red indeed!  I took Howland's advice and quit worrying about the withering, and had a blast outside the mist...the farthest the  curse progressed  was  Heavily withered..so get out there and poke around!  Thanks to BoM,  LPFF, Sternhound and Jayde for always keeping us on our toes!  I have screenies and once I figure out how to post them, I will


Great character, who always managed to catch Arty off guard with some of the things she said. She had high hopes for Karisa, but sadly it wasn't meant to be!

Definitely looking forward to your next.

Eddie Walker

Was always fun wandering around with Karisa.

I think I had the most fun wandering with her - particularly when you can decide to check the mist paths then next thing you know, you've just kept walking and halfway across the isle.


The Old Hack

Karisa was a great, great character. Ekaterin respected her and liked her even though she never really understood her. But then, Kate was a civilised and law-and-order person to the core.

Hoping to see more of you soon. Your characters rock :)


Winston Martin

Quote from: efuincarnate;303142I have screenies and once I figure out how to post them, I will

1. Go into your NWN folder and open the one called screenshots. Browse the images and save those you want to share in an easy to find place.

2. Open up internets browser and go to imgur. Choose upload from computer. Select your screenshots individually or in a group (album) and start upload.

3. Copy the link on the right labeled BBCode (message boards & forums). Paste it on your efu screenshot thread.


Amazing character, so much stuff I'd never have seen if not for Karisa.

I loved how she never bothered to count out proper quantities of gold.


The woman with the hair of an orange. God have mercy of whoever ran infront of that block of ice she carried.

And god speed. She was a gem that held equally questionable religious beliefs as Joseph did, giving praise to a simple element.


Awanata will miss you!


... sniff... my pc and her were once friends... looong time ago.

I'm gonna miss Karisa.