Archaeologist Perk Bug

Started by UnholyWon, August 19, 2012, 07:57:10 PM

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I selected the Archaeologist perk for my character Clikit. I then logged out for about an hour and then logged back in to EFU:M and checked to see if the Archaeologist perk stay in effect, it wasn't. I decided to see if resting would rest the perk, and it did returning the bonuses back to the skills.

I doubt this is supposed to be like this for the perk, but it is a tiny inconvenience. I also don't know if this happens every log out and log in.

Can anyone confirm? Or I will just check this later tonight.


How do you know whether it stayed in effect or not? The icons occasionally disappear, even if the bonuses are still there.

They should stick like all the others.


I checked the character sheet and found the bonuses were not added to the skills.
