Cleric Metal Domain special ability not working

Started by SilverSword, August 07, 2012, 04:25:43 PM

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As the title says, the Metal domain special ability, which is supposed to add fire damage to your weapon, does not seem to work. I've tried using it on a hammer - no fire damage applied.
Then I tried applying the bonus on a club for the +1 Fire damage. That didn't work either.


Did you use the ability called Metal Domain or whatever, or did you set up a player tool for it?

If memory serves, the new domains' special abilities require you use a player tool, though I could be wrong.


You are right!
This should be posted somewhere for anyone who'll have trouble with it. Once I rested again, I set a player tool to work as 'Metal Domain Power' and then it worked perfectly fine.
Thanks, Valo!