Seeking Concept

Started by The Boom King, April 14, 2012, 06:01:59 AM

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The Boom King

We're all used to this thread, so I'll skip the elaboration and boil it down real simple. For about a year now, even my more widely known characters havn't really been that fun for me to play. I've tried all sorts of methods to get involved again, and when I have more than two days to play, I generally do alright, but I still am missing out on the extra fun I used to have on the server.
I only have two days to play out of the week, but I still want to play. Most of my characters are kind of stale and suck.
Therefore, I am open to any suggestions for concepts that will be fun even though I won't get to invest a weeks worth of time into it. Whatever you post here I will do. Even if it's retarted. Unless it's -really- retarted. On second thought, better if you PM it, but, whatever.
Oh and if you guys, like, don't suggest anything, and I check this in a week and it's blank, I'll be very disappointed and roll up a lesbian elf with a lisp, so, just be aware of that.
