Item Degradation

Started by Wild Card, March 05, 2012, 12:03:19 AM

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Wild Card

What do you people think? Should stuff like armor and weapons ware down over time requiring player's to get them repaired in order for them to be effective again?


Pass. It fits into the same category as mandatory eating/drinking/urinating.

Spiffy Has

What Relinquish said. More micromanaging is boring and dull and I hate how games include it in their system. It's pointless.


Some items already degrade over time, disappearing after one or more resets.

This sort of thing could work for certain powerful items, but not for everything, in my opinion.


Given the following:

- The limited lifetime of the average EFU PC, months at most.
- That equipment, if kept in proper care, will stay good for centuries.
- That equipment, if treated shitty, should still last a great many years before giving out.
- That everything can be repaired.
- That half the items in EFU are magical and of exceptional quality.

...Equipment degradation as suggested could hardly be portrayed realistically, and even then would have such a minor impact on gameplay that it is wholly negligible.


I would just role play it myself; like eating or drinking, but what Porkolt said has some of the best points; most PCs are around maybe a couple months, and even then they tend to change equipment quite often until getting some magical suit.

Maiden in Peril

Please no..
This is not an MMORPG..
What'd be next, custom pay-to-play content?

Sorry, I respect the thought behind it but I am kinda-sorta very sore about this kind of thing.

My thoughts are very well reflected by pretty much all previous posts anyway though.


An interesting suggestion, but one that wouldn't fit well in EfUM.


Only item degradation ala Bailey Bhonn please. Or halfplate without pants.