EFU:M Withering

Started by EveryoneIsAWinner, February 17, 2012, 11:12:33 PM

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The Withering
“The Withering” is an EfU specific curse which every PC on the server is afflicted with as soon as they get in game. Although at lower levels of the curse, its only effects are ambient (such as the red messages received occasionally), as it increases your character will start to gain visual effects and mechanical changes, some even beneficial (though with it will come the stigma of undeath). When using a player tool to diagnose the Withering of a PC, it will be set into one of these stages, allowing you to see roughly how affected they are.

Stages of Withering

 Untouched by H'bala's Withering

Touched by the Lichess, Cursed

 Withered by Her Touch, Lightly Cursed

 The Rising Blight of Undeath, Moderately Cursed

 Life Faded by Unlife, Heavily Cursed

 Withered to the Bone, Dangerously Cursed

Service to the Lichess Awaits, Nearly Undead

 In Her Grasp, Undead

When it reaches 10,000, the PC will be sent to an OOC retirement area. They have become a mindless servant of H'bala. With an application, though, it is possible to continue playing them as an undead.

Stopping the Withering

The curse once afflicted, stays with you until death. No permanent cure has been discovered thus far, and so PCs are forced to either limit the amount of Withering they contract or else continually cure it as it develops. The amount of Withering you receive when in an area depends upon how Withered the area itself is; going through the Withered Lands and approaching the Maiden's Tower, the curse will increase the closer you get, while in areas such as the Underdark or the mainland it will progress slowly.
Further, there are certain areas, specifically the lands protected by the Mist, where it will not develop at all so long as you stay inside them. It should be noted that the mechanics behind the Withering are completely hidden and may be considerably more complicated than this in game; different PCs may develop at different rates for unknown reasons and a great many IG theories exist as to how and why the curse develops that could shed light on the more complicated specifics of it.

Furthermore, it is entirely possible for PCs who have developed the Withering to have it temporarily improved, although this is often costly. As a curse, Clerics can remove it, though this is known to weaken them each time they do do, and any magic that can remove curses will help. Otherwise, it's up to the player to explore the game world and discover whatever other cures there may be.
//Found and compiled by SkillFocusPwn, Formated by Myself//