Random Encounters

Started by One_With_Nature, February 10, 2012, 11:50:28 PM

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Where you have these random encounters appear across the server like the "A small clearing in the distance" "An excavated tunnel" transitions etc, i have found now on quite a few of my pcs that there are times when the transitions on these encounters has been bugged and wouldn't allow you to enter the area.

So far i have only seen this problem with the "Hole" placeables, i have never seen a placed bubble transition fail.


A lot of these transitions can only be opened when two PCs are present.

Pay attention to your combat log as you try to trans. There should be a message.

Spiffy Has

I've seen this bug before with groups as large as ten.

Some of the placeable transitions are broken.


Porkolt i've been playing long enough to know that..

What thomas said, the placeable/transitions are broken on occasion.


I have seen this with OWN and a few other times.  Mostly with the 'holes' in the ground, randoms.