Exploration XP Bug [Osmium Tetroxide, Amalrith Tremarus]

Started by LiAlH4, January 02, 2012, 08:10:59 AM

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GSID: Osmium Tetroxide
PC: Amalrith Tremarus

At present, my character has been receiving full exploration XPs for entering new locations. Mistlocke has been the greatest offender thusfar, each time I enter or exit a building the experience is applied and the following is displayed:

Quote from: "Ingame Text"(Exploration XP) You have recieved a 100 xp bonus for entering (Area) for the first time!

While I do appreciate the XPs and have kept track of how many I have accumulated in this manner, I feel as though this bug should be addressed so I do not it 15th level after a rather robust trading session between the market hall and main square. :)

EDIT: This first occured after a true resurrection applied during a DM event, in the Lake of Mists. BigOrcMan was the DM.

Bugged XPs to Date: ~460

(One from the Crossroads, one from the Lake of Mists, the rest from entering Mistlocke. I did not notice anything applied on entering the Order Priory or the Tower of the Gods.)


While the original bug is no longer an issue, I have had a repeating bug where my inventory has disappeared and Amalrith has had to be rolled back. This has occurred three times. It seems to have no relation to the resetting of the server.

In the most recent case, the following text appeared: "Someone killed Someone". This was followed by the loss of all of Amalrith's items one by one.

Thanks for any help!

Her Imperial Majesty

I for one encourage anything that reduces the effectiveness of anti-imperial scum.

However, after pondering this bug for long and hard, it appears to be a very queer glitch. If this is the third time, I doubt that further restorations will cut it. A temporary fix might be to simply re-recreate Amalrith and let Dms investigate the matter without having to fear this occurring again.


I am very much hoping the issue is now resolved, but I confess that I am not very hopeful.

RWG and later I_O suggested I request a LETO as well, so long as we are on the topic of bug-fixes. Name change to "Sir Amalrith Tremarus", if that is possible/reasonable. :)


The one-time holiday bonus was applied for a second time following my most recent login, leaving me with a net 4,000 XP bonus compared to the proper 2,000 XP.

EDIT: I_O removed 2,000 XP. Amalrith is about where he should be; losses from the rebuilds erased the extra exploration XP.

Her Imperial Majesty

Ask a DM to simply remake the PC is what I'd do. :( Besides, you need to name yourself, "Sir Amalrith the Stalwart". Badass

Professor Death

I wonder if this bug is at all related to a corpse of Almarith showing up multiple times in the corpse storage room in Mistlocke?  I've seen this on two separate occasions even with resets in between.


Get a DM to help clean your vault and remake your character.  You will continue to have problems until that's been done.


Johannes helped me fix this bug earlier. Apparently the game thought I should be dead and tried on login to send me to the fugue. This failing, the script simply deleted all of my things.

It has now, several weeks later, resurfaced. Twice now "someone killed someone" has resulted in the loss of all my equipment along with a bit of XP, potions, and faction favor on the first rollback.

Spiffy Has

Wow. :( Your luck is shit!


Character has been remade! Hopefully this fixes the bugs. Thank you to I_O who supervised the remaking process and Derfo who rechristened all of my items with suitably amsuing names.


Character has been remade again. Thusfar no bugs excepting the loss and partial replacement of my inventory, minus the good stuff. :P

I will report any issues with this new build. New GSID is "Osmium Tetraoxide".


A curious situation!

Try make a new GSID?
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips

Spiffy Has