EfU:M Quest Guide

Started by Organized_Chaos, September 18, 2012, 12:17:57 PM

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This Guide is awesome. It's a great way for new players to orient themselves and learn about some of the stuff out there.

However, even with this guide at hand - there are several max level 5 quests I still have not managed to find. And countless higher max quests I can't track down.

Would the DM team be okay if the quest giver location/name was added to the rest of the information? To make it possible to actually take advantage of the list?



Visit the places you've never seen.

Discovering something new by yourself is part of the pleasure of playing.

Call for an exploring expedition, as going alone is risky.

Keep in mind, maybe there's some quests in the compendium that have been taken out since efua(m), or some that have seen their lvl caps adjusted.


I am not supporter of such lists because I believe it is destroing role playing when it is listed for the purpose "Go and get quick XP and equipment".

I understand, this quests are traditional on this server and on dangerous EFU helps characters gain significiant (6th) level quite soon. Actually, I have nothing against this quests itselves, but there is no systemic alternative to gain XP, especially for RP game - only if comes DM to support your RP.

On the other hand I have to note, when DM comes, he usually doesn't spare. And I am glad, that after 8th, 9th lvl is much more worth to play with others RP containing cool story with punch line and character development supported by DM than over and over doing the same quests.


iirc dms stated they didn't like the idea of the quest guide when it was created.

I find people not knowing where they are helps with stopping the routine, by that i mean people choosing to do a specific set of quests every reset.


My only issue with this is that those that know where the quest is.. know it on EVERY character, and those that don't know where the solo "holy crap look at all the stuff you get" quest is don't.  

to me it once again wides the gap of the 'haves' and 'have nots'.  I don't understand how knowing there is a 2-5 solo quest in Old Stones (there isn't really that I know of) hurting the server.  It levels the playing field for those people that either don't get to play as often as some, or don't have the built in quest train group, or just for what ever reason wandered an area for 3 RL hours looking for something and never finding it.

it might also intice some people to go out and explore.  If I know there is a quest in the... Veiled lands (once again, there isnt' that I know of), I might just wander there, otherwise why am I going there?

but, no matter.  I'll either find them or I won't.  Nothing new there.


I love the Quest Guide, but the only backlash I've ever seen come from it is the, "Your doing that quest? No thank you, that one is way to hard." or "I don't have the supplies to make it through that quest."

I find it sad that I've played EFU, EFU:A, and EFU:M and there are just some quest I haven't been able to do because I either couldn't find them or the group was just to scared to do it.