Aeromm Ollahl

Started by ShadowCharlatan, July 15, 2011, 05:35:54 PM

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:( He will be missed. A very interesting character.
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers

Keeper of the White Wyrm

Amazing concept, wish I could have met him!



Was good rp with him in the STewards... never really agreed with his views and fanaticism, but had good conversations nonethe less


Told you playing druids is interesting :)



It's so sad to see him go. :(

Great character!

The Old Hack

Rook loved to hate him. I feel kinda bad for him when he showed to hold his dramatic speech after killing Cain -- Rook wasn't having any of it, she just charged him and started chopping at him with her axe! o.O


Another big SADFACE from me.

Aeromm was creepy and kind of a lunatic. That vacant smile when he talked about fire made Ayumu suspicious more than a few times.

Probably best that Mistlocke got to him first, as he probably would have come into conflict with many of the Stewards next!

Great PC though, and so wonderfully different from many other nature concepts.


Just like The Old Hack, I loved to hate Aeromm with Oobuloo. Another very interesting character ShadowCharlatan. When will you run out of ideas?