Pathfinderize Rangers

Started by lovethesuit, July 05, 2011, 04:23:41 PM

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I know Rangers have more than enough bonuses right now. The added +AB to Favored Enemies, the scripted Tracking system, and bonuses to detection skills in the wilderness. Great. This isn't a post about buffing Rangers. Rather, it's all about options. Rangers typically would have a choice of combat styles; either two weapon fighting, or bows. But, in NWN, that is not the case. Only one set of feats exists, in the form of Dual Wield.

I suggest taking a tip from Pathfinder: allow a couple new combat styles, chosen at 2 levels of Ranger, to add a little bit of variety. They lose the class ability Dual Wield (functionally, the two feats Two-Weapon Fighting and Ambidexterity) in exchange for two other feats which, again, only apply in light armor. The ones that translate to NWN are:

Bows: Point Blank Shot and Rapid Shot.
Crossbows: Point Blank Shot and Rapid Reload.
Natural Weapons: Improved Unarmed Strike and Monk Unarmed Damage (beginning 3 levels later than Monk)
Two-handed Weapon: Power Attack and Cleave

Mounted Combat and Weapon/Shield don't translate due to a lack of horses in EfU:M and a lack of Shield feats in NWN. Keep in mind, these would still only work in light armor.

This is simply a matter of choice; equivalent feats that offer extra attacks in the chosen style (just like dual-wielding), greater ferocity with a style not used often (unarmed), or trading those potential extra attacks for something more violent. If balance is a concern, you could push the choice back to a 4th or 5th level ranger to discourage dipping into the class, but I don't consider it necessarily a bad thing. People can just as easily dip into Ranger for dual-wield.

Tell me what you think!

Egon the Monkey

I love the idea. Suggested it as a Perk ages back. Dual-wield permanently disabled, but you gain Point Blank Shot and Rapid Shot, and gain Improved Critical (Shortbow, Longbow, Darts, Sling and Throwing Axes) at 9 rather than Improved 2 Weapon Fighting. Rangers rock with 2 handed weapons, but giving alternative bonus feats to allow better use of ranged weapons would be brilliant.

Aye Lad

-Every- full BAB class rocks with Two-handed weapons. The only benefit of this change to Rangers would be for those wearing light armor which, without a shield, is a trade-off of AC for damage.

Aye Lad

I love the idea too. Implement it now.


I entirely would not mind if we implemented this, but in return I believe rangers should only gain +1 AB vs FE for every 4 levels, instead of every 2.

Thus, +2 AB at level 5, +3 at level 9.

Edit:  Also I don't think monk progression is available for other classes, thus I'd suggest Improved Critical Unarmed and Weapon Focus: Unarmed.  We reward sweet fist/natural weapon rangers/druids/Barbarians with good gloves anyhow.

The Beggar

I think the DMs should Pathfinderize you, LTS.

But, that would be like giving 110%, which is impossible.

Edit to add: I do love the idea of perks for pure classes. Except clerics, who have enough godly fury to out perk anyone.


I'd think it would be very cool, though if it were to change the FE bonus: I'd vote +1/3rd.


I believe they are meant to be changed eventually to +1 / 3 levels either way. I would like the idea of being able to select between archery or dual wielding however.