Change Alchemy/Herbalism Item Limits from Permanent to Temporary

Started by 12 Hatch, June 15, 2011, 07:42:54 AM

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12 Hatch


Alchemy can create some extremely powerful and influential things, and for that reason, it makes total sense that there be some kind of limit on the production of some of the stronger stuff to avoid a bloat of overpowered items.

However, it's also a bit of a drag for a long-term alchemist who has a set, finite amount of an object he can make (say, two or three), because even if he's around and prominent and awesome for a year, he never can make more!

So, I suggest something that can address both potential problems: the limited items be changed to a temporary limit system.

Example - Instead of a limit of three phagebead canisters ever, it is changed to one phagebead canister per week (or month, or any other time period deemed sufficient).

This would help avoid discouragement for long-term alchemists who may find themselves locked out of some of the coolest items there are, while simultaneously avoiding the potential for dozens of these to rain down upon the server like mana from heaven!



I'm all for the change, even though no change will make me use the system ever again until it doesn't make us glue our face to the table before trying things. :)


One thing I am worried about - which I have not yet had the opportunity to test. Is that permanent items share a pool of how many times they may be created.

For example the canisters share the limit pool - it is a mere suspicion which has not been proven as I haven't uncovered the other canister quite yet. Which would obviously remove the wonders of discovery when uncovering a new type of canister and being unable to even produce it.

Of course, I do not know if this is the case and if it is not then the above can be dismissed.

Regardless, I support the idea of a temporary limits vehemently. Permanent limits does not seem to make any IC sense at all - as if the alchemist is suddenly crippled or suffered from a lobotomy.
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


All items have their own independent limits.

Egon the Monkey

I agree with BoM. If it was set up so that over the average PC lifespan you'd make the same number as before, then it wouldn't lead to a glut. In fact it would nicely represent some sort of "off screen" effort in designing and preparing the parts for a complicated device, as well as meaning a PC doesn't make a fortune selling canisters or whetever, then his business OOCly falls over with no good explanation.

Possibly this could be worked in to Howland's idea for "veteran PC perks"? One that allows you to make items you have previously exhausted, at a limit of one a week?


You can make as many items as you want, they just require discovering new recipes.

Drakill Tannan

To my understanding, however, it comes as a bit of a shock when you suddently can't make any more items. What i would suggest is an OOC message that appears whenever you succesfully complete the item:

// OOC: Only 3 of this items may be created with this recipie, you've spent 1 of your 3 chances of succesfully building one so far.

// OOC: You've spent all your creations for this item. Find a new recipie to create more.

Just so a player can messure if they want to keep making these, and just how much are they going to value them.


Quote from: Howland;244597You can make as many items as you want, they just require discovering new recipes.

I feel pretty dumb for not having figured this out already.

12 Hatch

All recipes for the item share the same limit.

Meaning, you could find a hundred different ways to make it, and you're still stuck at only three or so, ever!


You're right, I am wrong.

12 Hatch

That said, what you suggested would be pretty cool!  :)